Sao Devereaux (reference.log)



20210228.1 - "Help me Understand your situation."

20210228.1 - "Help me understand your situation."
//2.Possible But Unlikely
//Discussion proposed the scenario in which Sao discusses her situation with a random friend <bgcharfriend2.dat> created strictly for the purpose of this scenario. The friend proposes that "maybe you[Sao] can help me understand your situation." To which Sao states could be nice, and triggers the friend to start transforming into a fox anthro as well.
//Rated a 2 due to this being within the capabilities of Sao's automated systems, however it is not likely to occur as presented. There is not urgent enough need to trigger such a disruptive change, especially to another character. Such change would also encourage the belief in background entities of Sao being changed by an outside factor, rather than acceptance her state as within ordinary expectations. 

