
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


∞ (actually he doesn't remember but usually tells people he's 25)


Mostly male


Bounty hunter, ex-porn star, dragon puncher, horrible father


Chaotic Neutral




6, 5, 7, 5, 5, 5, 7


So back in July 2014 Microsoft was giving out games for gold members and I was into Berserk at the time so when they were giving out Dark Souls I was like "damn this looks siiiiikkkk" and downloaded it. I made two characters before making Smeg (a mage based off my old Oblivion OC, Chweng, and a knight I can't remember anything else about) but I couldn't get past the asylum demon and it was making me mad so I made a pyromancer and tried to get rid of his face and it just took off from there. My best friend also downloaded Dark Souls and made what would quickly become Smeg's best friend, Squelch. They've gone on many adventures together and have killed a lot of demons.

I make this dorito man in whatever games have a slightly broken character creator but the lore for him being in so many universes is that he's got this like glitchy planeswalker sorta thing going on where he randomly gets warped to different alternate universes. He can sort of control the time line (save points) but he doesn't have a very good grasp on it. Mostly he's just enjoying the adventure. Unfortunately, he seems to be getting oranger and more chaotic with each universe jump. His timeline is roughly: Dark Souls 1, Fallout 1, 2, Tactics; ????, Dark Souls 3, New Vegas, Fallout 4. There's some original universe stuff in there too but I haven't fleshed that out too much because I don't haven't really thought about Smeg having his own non-video game universe until fairly recently. I'll come back and add onto this once I've put more thought into it.

Some loose bulletpoint factoids from his Google Docs lore document (which is embarrassingly messy and that's comparing it to this textwall (which is also messy)

  • In Fallout 2, Smeg is a pornstar. FO2 Smeg is probably the most handsome/least deformed of all the universes he's been in. FO2 Smeg is a stud. I guess Tactics and FO1 Smeg are the same as well. These Fallouts are early in Smeg’s timeline, hence his handsomeness.
  • Smeg has at least two children: Shaun from FO4 and Son, who is incredibly handsome. Smeg has no idea who Son's mother is.
  • Son was first thought up in a dream I had where Smeg ventured across this land to this village to look for him and he finds him and is like “please love me” but Son HATES him and tells him to buzz off
  • Smeg is a cannibal, might be a little gay (#nohomo; see also: pretty gay), is hopelessly addicted to Very Heavy drugs, has unusually luck, strength, and willpower/endurance stats; and is probably a lot smarter than he wants people to think he is.
  • Despite being extremely unpredictable and proud of how chaotic he is, he almost always ends up doing the right thing at the end of the day. He calls himself Chaotic Neutral but he's probably something more like Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil.
  • He has an affinity for battle skirts, chickens, FISTO, two handed swords, highly unusual food, strange hats (even if he doesn't really wear hats), and the colors indigo, orange, and red-purple/wine red
  • Smeg is fiercely self-centered but cares a lot about his close friends, sometimes resetting timelines or putting himself in extreme danger to try to protect them
  • Killed Big Hat Logan for his Big Hat and has regretted it since
  • Squelch constantly makes fun of him for killing Logan and it is frustrating…
  • Smeg can use elementary lightning/fire magic in some universes but usually just sticks to a large sword/axe and basic healing spells. He dislikes mages but makes exceptions more often than not (probably because he realizes he's being a hypocrite)
  • Often runs around bareass naked much to the dismay of everyone
  • New Vegas Smeg is the most chaotic/nihilistic/hedonistic Smeg while Minecraft Smeg is probably the tamest
  • Once accidentally ate an entire jar of umbilical cords in Bloodborne and honestly thought they tasted good
  • He has Missing Texture Pink™ irises