❰ Chrome ❱



3 years, 4 months ago



- chrome -

"One day I wanna make the onions cry."

Name Chrome
Nickname Clock
Species Fennec Fox Kemonomimi
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Age Young Adult
Status Forever Homed
Worth ~$10

Color Palette:

Please draw her humanoid!


  • Warm weather
  • Drawing
  • Children
  • Seafood
  • Video games


  • Spicy foods
  • Exclusion
  • Bad-wifi
  • Icey weather
  • Photos

About (Personality, etc)

Chrome is a very social gal! Being naturally optimistic, she loves to help and meet new people. She's pretty charismatic and can usually carry conversations for long periods of time even if she isn't actually interested in the conversation. She's pretty goofy and relaxed with those she feels comfortable with, and she has no problem starting a conversation with others. 

Because of her empathetic nature, she's is pretty easy to manipulate, and is quite prone to being guilt tripped. She's also extremely oblivious, and can easily miss red flags/warnings. (She tries to avoid conflicts as much as possible to avoid this!)

Design Notes:

- Please draw her in her humanoid form!
- Only her left eye has markings.
- She has a semi-feminine build.
- Her hair can be drawn at different lengths, but
can't be longer than it appears in her ref.
-Her goggles/pendant are only occasionally worn.
- Her outfit in her ref is her casual outfit; more will be added soon!
- She's slightly taller than average.

Backstory + Trivia 

  • Chrome is one of my sonas, which means her qualities are inspired off of mine and how I view my online self. (Quinn is based off my real-life self, unlike Chrome who's based off who I try to be while online.) 
  • She was the first OC I ever made.
  • She'll age with me but starts as a young adult.
  • I'll never fully redesign her due to sentimental value.

Main AU: (Feral form)

Chrome lives in the small coastal town of Oakla. Her parents decided to move away a few years prior, so she lives alone with her brother. She works as a freelance mechanic and likes to draw in her spare time. 

She's often seen with her mother's pendant or her mechanic goggles but rarely wears her mechanical wings. (She claims they're too much of a WIP to be productive or functional.)

T1 AU: (Feral Form)

One night her friends invited her to go camping; she happily agreed! She eagerly packed to meet Alice, Akari, Tikki, and Brett near the small forest east of their town.

After a short break for marshmallows, they stumbled across a ruined building which only had one intact structure; a full length mirror. Upon approaching the mirror Chrome saw her reflection rippling. To her surprise, the the reflection that emerged wasn't hers. 

Her reflection seemed to be a different version of her; it was more muscular, wore a dark uniform of some sort, and seemed as if it was incredibly tired. It moved with her and (for the most part,) copied her her expressions. Her friends were horrified as their reflections also showed up changed and deformed.

Among the rubble was hundreds of glass and mirror shards; it's clear that the building was once a monument of some sort. The glass and rubble also seemed relatively untouched by plants and erosion which signified that whatever accident happened here must have been somewhat recent. 

Agreeing that they shouldn't be snooping, the confused group of friends headed back to the camp. They weren't aware aware of the small figure who was watching from the horizon or the future they had locked their paths onto.