Squash's Comments

Anyone in my th for this bean could offer art too ^^?

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Yeah sure ^^!

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He’s pending I thought I sent him to u  but if not that’s him definitely pending now thank you for the trade have a nice day !

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Hello! I've come to Inform you that my phone literally exploded 💀 I am using my cousins phone at the moment and I was wondering if you have anywhere else I can contact you on till I can get a new phone!!

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Darn :') well I'll send you the finished product when I get a new phone 😭😭

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Hello! Sadly I don't think my messages ever went through I'm so sorry for making you wait so long but sadly my phone has yet to be repaired/replaced so I will not be able to finish his ref sheet. I hope you understand I'm very sorry for the wait have a good day or night<33

Is this guy for trade? If so would anyone in my thoughts other than candii and korzi interest you?

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Aww alright! I would be willing to make a ref for them though if you would reconsider! You definitely don't need to though! Thanks for letting me offer non the less ^^

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Absolutely! Me and my cousin Maui_Manokit could collab to make a full ref for you! They are well versed in drawing dragons! 

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7 Replies
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Hey! Would you be interested in trading them for https://toyhou.se/15191474.tbn by any chance? :o

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I understand completely! I'll send this guy on over! o7

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Thank you so much! Hope you enjoy them! \o/