


3 years, 3 months ago


modern au -  lucy is a more confident, flirty kal who likes to make people blush/flustered so she's equipped with great pickup lines and she's not shy at all. I could see her visiting anya's workplace or maybe bringing in wild cats just as an excuse to see her and drop her most recent pickup line just to see anya blush. she's smart and likes to have all the control in a situation. she's a cat rescue vlogger!

mafia au - assassin in the mafia who was supposed to be killed by anya but she talked her way out of it and anya convinced her to join the mafia, and now they're an unstoppable power couple

personality - Lucy is a confident, flirty, almost controlling kalon. She's a tease and she loves to make people blush or flustered. She has fantastic pickup lines and she loves to have the control in any situation. She's not controlling in the sense that she controls people, she just makes it known that she's in charge everywhere she goes. She has an air of confidence, and everyone around her falls into place whether she says anything or not. While she's very bold, she's not mean or rude. She's actually quite kind, and her flirty, confident nature makes her even more likable. She's pretty badass to be honest, and takes no nonsense. She's pretty intimidating unless you know her personally, and her slightly softer side with a good sense of humor who likes cuddles and sappy romance. She stands tall (both literally and figuratively) and she's the type of girlfriend that intimidates everyone and makes it known that her girl is HERS. Very little fazes her, but when it does, her confidence takes a huge hit for a few days and she spends that time alone trying to rebuild her tough outer shell so she can go back into the world and own it. She's so so loving and while she's very strong willed and independent, she doesn't know what she'd do without Anya. When they're alone together, she's silly and thoughtful and she shows her gentler, more loving side, though don't think for a second that she ever stops making Anya blush, and the flirty pick-up lines never end.