


7 years, 1 month ago


- Alice Silver -

Age 10

Gender Female

B-day birthday

Sign Pisces

Type of choice Normal

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Average-builded and slightly short. Long brown, curly hair and eyes Usually wears pokémon-themed clothes, being her main outfit a miltank-inspired cowboy aesthetic, hat with ears included. She keeps a silver wing on the strap all times. Her type of choice is Normal

Her theme is Silver dawn, by Joel on FA

Hard-working and naïve, she believes there's good in everyone, thus making her quite gullible. She will aproach new situations with a mix of curiosity and wariness, but won't hesitate to help anyone if they need it. She is real good at making friends with both humans and pokémon, though from an incident from her past, she won't get anywhere near bee or arachnid-like pokémon.

Accordion content here


→ Pre-HGSS events ← Ever since she learned how to walk, Alice's shown to be a very diligent and hardworking kid, always wanting to help her parents taking care of the pokémon and the eggs in the farm. and although she's messed up from time to time, she will never give up trying. She was introduced to her best friend Scarlet at a very young age, to whom developed a great admiration, almost viewing her as her big sister, and spending most of her free time with her, either running around the farm fields, going together to nearby towns or exploring their surroundings searching for pokémon. In one of these fun-time moments, she stumbled upon a shiny, silvery feather on Olivine city's shore, which she's kept as a treasure ever since. When she was 7 years old, and Scarlet disappeared, she was a very active part on the search, guiding the adults to their hideouts or places she would most likely be at. Not finding her was a wound that never fully healed.She focused on her breeding and caretaking chores, but never forgot about her friend, quietly and patiently waiting for the day she could get a pokémon of her own.

→ HGSS events ← Tired of insisting her parents on allowing her to get a pokémon and travel the region without results, Alice decides to take the same route Scarlet took and flees from home to search for her friend. Managing to get to New bark town's borders, and unsure whether Prof.Elm would allow her to get a pokémon or send her home, luck made her stumble upon Jim, whom after seeing her determination, gave her a starter of her own, with one condition: She must show him that's she's capable of enduring the consequences, and complete the pokédex¹. And thus, she backtracked in search of any rumor or clue that could lead to her, accompanied every now and then by two other trainers: Lily and Irving. Eventually, she met up with Scarlet, who had joined team rocket five years ago, and, as Lily interrupted their plans, Alice managed to convince Scarlet of her wrongdoing and bring her home, not without showing Jim the hunt had been a success first. ¹-"enduring the consequences" = losing a pokémon in battle. Also, Alice is the one that gets the togepi egg and pokedex despite not going to elm, and thus once Jim knows about this, he extends the challenge(this is because Alice does not take part in badge collecting).

→ Becoming a researcher ← Some months later, to once again strengthen her friendship with Scarlet, they made way to the Kanto region together. Half way though, Scarlet had to forcefully leave, as her past was getting in Alice's way, being Kyle, Lily's younger brother, the one taking her place. Reaching cinnabar island, the silver wing she always carried around started to glow, and led them straight to a lugia's nest, where a group of furtive hunters were trying to get ahold of a baby lugia. Of course they stop them from doing so, duh. Once back from Kanto, Alice told Jim about their adventures once again, and how she felt weird to have found just a rare,supposedly inexistant pokémon(refering to the baby). Hearing this, Jim told her about how he had encountered many weird variants on his youth, cynda's father being one of them, and offered to teach her about it if she was so interested on the topic, which she gladly accepted. → Future arc ← Years later, Alice wed Kyle and they both moved to Kalos, where they created their own ranch², and had three children: Alan, James and Eliane XY & ORAS During XY and ORAS events, Alice stayed home taking care of everything and raising the twins, always eager to hear about Alan's progress and eventually recieving visits from Jim, Scarlet or Lily. They also threw a couple of amazing birthday parties! But really she was too busy to really take time and relax, or go met her son, so she took care of any pokémon he might send them. Sun&Moon Ya-hoo, vacation time! Events will be written once the games are released and completed by mois. ²-They sell milk products and have an skiddo/gogoat rent post! Sometimes, some schools ask to visit it so the kids can learn to ride them. There are a couple of weird colored pokémon too.


Design notes here


Name stuff

Brief stuff about character

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Brief stuff about character

Other information

Appears in

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Name / Species


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pokémon name species name

pokédex entry here

Cutiemark meaning here

Character is not for sale nor trade. Please do not use without permission.