


7 years, 1 month ago


- Alan GoldSilver -

Age 25

Gender Male

B-day birthday

Sign horoscope

Type of choice water

Height height

Weight weight


Tall, tan skin with lighter birthmark going from his neck to the base of his left shoulder. Freckles. Meddium sized, straight copper blonde hair with darker tips. Blue eyes. His type of choice is water

Alan was created during XY's release to be my main protagonist on the story (as I usually do as I like to imagine side-events and battles using other than the official player model), way before the megaevolution arc began. So no, he's not named after the series' Alan/Alain, it's just a happy coincidence

Nicknames: Al, Scamp, water-boi. Acrohobic, working on it

Although not as mature as her mother was, Alan is as hardworker as she is, giving his all to his chores every day. Slightly reserved, he enjoys to spend some time on his own fishing, reading a book or simply enjoying the evening breeze surrounded by the skiddos on the ranch. He values family above all else, loves his little brother and sister to bits, and whishes his father could be home more often.

Accordion content here


→ pre-XY ← Born in Johto, he and his parents moved to kalos when he was around 4 years old, so he does not remember much from his origin region. One of the first nights after arriving to their new home, he was almost snatched away by a wild drifblim, which latter on proved to be the cause behind's Alan acrophobia. From a very young age, Alan was shown the ranch ways, to which he got used to pretty fast. However, this didn't clashed with him acting like the kid he was, and used to get in lots of trouble for chasing the skiddos to ride them or scaring the miltanks and other pokémon while sleeping. When he was 6 years old, he fished a (shiny)feebas in a nearby lake. Wanting to keep it because of it's funny colours, but as he wasn't sure weather his parents would allow it, he brought the feebas home and hid it so they wouldn't find it and he could take care of it. The cover was blown a couple of weeks later, when suddently the feebas started glowing and became a milotic. This event led to him recieving an egg from her mother + uncle as a birthday gift so he could have his very own pokémon (as the milotic, despite staying at the ranch was still tecnhically wild), from which his litleo Max was hatched.Later on, he befriended a couple more of wild pokémon who stayed to live on the ranch. Years went on, and Alan never trully showed any interest on recieving a pokémon from prof.Sycamore and traveling around the region like the other kids, so he simply stayed home with his usual routine.

→ XY events ← soon → the road to Hoenn ← Once the flare incident finished, Alan went back to his life on the ranch, helping her mother out in anything she might need, relaxing, and playing with the little guys as much as he could. One day, while he was biking around with his greninja, they both fell down the bike after dodging a fled skiddo, resulting in Rantaro breaking a leg and Alan an arm. Luckily enough, people were around to help them out quickly. A couple of days later, her aunt Scarlet appeared with a proposition of going to a new region. Having as options either Sinnoh or Hoenn, he chose the tropical one. As Rantaro was in no shape to acompany him, Scarlet gave him both a ticket to the islands and a new pokémon: a treecko, challenging him to take this as a chance to start over for fun. Before going away, Alan promised Rantaro he'd ask for him to be sent his way as soon as his leg was recovered. → ORAS events ← Once in hoenn, Alan took once again the gyms challenge to test his growth as a trainer and breeder while continuing on his preferred task as a collector. On the middle of it, team Aqua appeared and started trashing around. Ugh, it was the flare incident all over again! and then magma showed up. Great, this is just great, now there's two! Being unable to just look away due to her past experiences with 'teams', he decided to stop Aqua, as they seemed to be the major threat this time (yes this is Alpha Saphire). But as he learned what their motives were and the leader's love for water pokémon, he couldn't help but see himself reflected on Archie. Distrust and disbelief became pity and shame, and his motivations went from stopping them to help them realize their plan was not the way to achieve what they wanted, which proved true when kyogre went rouge. With effort and some help from local gym leaders, they finally manage to stop the legendary beast and make Archie realice his mistakes.

After Hoenn recovered from kyogre's attack, Alan decided to stay in the region and join team Aqua, so he could aid them to reform themselves, as well as keep an eye so they wouldn't go stray in a passion fit once again. Using the secret hideout he built during the events as his new, temporary home, he spends his days teaching grunts how to care for injured pokémon, keeping the shores clean or scouting the region with the higher ranks. He makes sure to go back home every now and then to spend a couple of weeks with his family, and never fails to call home everyday at dawn. Sun&Moon Ya-hoo, vacation time! Events will be written once the games are released and completed by mois.


Design notes here


Name stuff

Brief stuff about character

Name stuff

Brief stuff about character

Other information

Appears in

Story name Story summary
Story name Story summary: last element does not have border
Name / Species


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Name / Species


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Name / Species


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pokémon name species name

pokédex entry here

Cutiemark meaning here

Character is not for sale nor trade. Please do not use without permission.