[Avridon] Ayla [$500 tent]



3 years, 4 months ago











$450+ (NFS)




Considering sale for $500; tentative.

Just a quick look on her will tell you how hard and confident this girl is. Ayla got a bad start in life, full of mental pain and lack of parent love. She managed to go through hard times and recover under his step-father wings, and all this experience made her personality like it is now.

Despite looking like cold, Ayla is very warm-hearted person, with lot of kindness. She loves flowers and night flights; somewhere deep under all those emotions and painfull memories, there's a loyal girl who always believes in her thoughts and got a heart full of positiveness.









  • night flights
  • flowers; flower crowns
  • oatmeal with fruits


  • spiders
  • cold weather
  • chilli pepper

Ayla never expect people to do anything for her; even if she likes getting help from people, she's always prepared to do things only for her own. She's pretty distrustful to everyone, especially strangers. It's hard for her to convince to trust someone too; outside she usually acts like she doesn't care about things, but inside she's soft girl who still worry about things important for her. Ayla never give up and she's always ready to stand side by side to fight - as a well trained knight, she's brave and bright minded. Likes to help people; tho she's not really good in talk, so she much prefer to do something instead of help via friendly talks.



petite, slim


straight, very long




  • her tail always got a nice braid
  • blue roses design on braid
  • simple patterns all over the body
  • got some simple, not really visible battle scars here and there


Blue rose's bloom

Ayla was born in small town in 1st Continent. Her biological mother left her just right after birth; she didn't wanted a child, and pregnancy was just accidental. She decided to give birth, but that's all - no one knows the reason why she didn't wanted to take care of little Ayla. Newborn girl was left for her biological father, gardener Ryou. He was heartbroken when his partner left him and their child, but he had no choice but accept it.

Some time later he found himself a girlfriend - Claude. She seemed to be okay with his child, but in time she started to bully little Ayla; she was too little to notice (Ayla was around 3 y.o when it started), but because of Claude's harassment (like, giving to Ayla molded food or hiding her favourite toys at first, later she hit Ayla) she was sick pretty often. Ryou was usually out of home to work to earn money for his family, so he simply didn't know how Claude acts when she's alone with his daughter. Ayla was also mentally harrased by Claude, and step-mother convinced her not to tell a word to Ryou - Ayla was just a kid, so she believed in every Claude's word.

One day Ayla was kidnapped - she was around 5y.o back then, and she supposed to be sold to rich family in another continent. After a week she and all other kidnapped kids were rescued by rescue team, and Ayla hapilly back home. She wasn't sure if it's okay or no - she missed his father, but when she thought about Claude, Ayla felt sick.

Everything went back to "normal", and Claude's harassment became even bigger - she was happy about fact, that Ayla were kidnapped (Claude simply wanted Ayla to dissapear - she wanted only Ryou, without accepting his beloved child) , so when Ayla was rescued, she was angry and she "expressed her feelings" by bullying Ayla. One day Ayla was on her breaking point - she couldn't hide Claude's harrasment anymore, no matter what consequences would be. She finally decided to tell about everything to her dad, but then - they both, Ryou and Claude dissapeared. That was pretty weird and Ayla was scared that they both left her - it seemed like it tho. She was taken to temporary home for homeless children, and she was adopted short after - by one of rescue team member, Nivo.

She grew up happilly under Nivo's care; he met with girl who also liked Ayla really much and they become a little family. Good for Ayla, she was treated very good by both of her new step-parents and thanks to them at least a part of her childhood was happy. They also knew about Ayla's past, so they took extra care of her mental health. Ayla was able to fully recover, but all she experienced from Claude's hands affected on her personality. She was distrustful and a bit cold outside, especially for strangers. When people get know her better she became soft and friendly; tho she always tried to be nice and kind for others.

In the very last of her school time, she decided to start Knight training. It was clear that this was her response for Claude's bullying from childhood - Ayla wanted to feel, that she's able to protect herself from anything and anyone in this world. She succesfully finished up training and become a Knight. Also when she was old enough she started to interest why Ryou left and where he could be; short after she received a letter where someone shortly explained, that "Ryou felt too big responsibility and he decided to left Ayla for someone, who will take a better care of her". Firstly she was crushed, but slowly she started to realize, that something is not right with it. Ayla decided to find a person who gave her this letter and also start a journey to find her dad.

During her adventures, she met Kashiru - young boy who chased the same person (this one, who gave Ayla a letter) for some personal reasons. They decided to co-operate, and even if they kept distance between them, they slowly became friends. When they finally catched mysterious "letter person" and Ayla found out, that this letter was written by Claude, Kashiru promised her that he will help her with finding her dad. They continue traveling together and after this time, they started to trust each other. It lead them slowly to specific kind of partnership, where they were best friends for most of the time, but in privacy they were lovers. Kashiru felt with her first and he was ready to protect Ayla with his life; he didn't knew, that Ayla feel same thing to him; she's just not ready to fully realize it.

Many months later they found Claude's base and thing which they saw here was terrifying - she was a head boss of big organisation, where she kept many people as slaves deep under ground. Ayla and Kashiru got a fight with security team and they won; they set free all prisoned people and between them Ayla found her father. She was in tears when after all those years she was able to find out that Ryou never left her with his own will and he would never do that to her. They came back to Ayla's hometown and Kashiru came with them too. After she spend some time with her dad, Ayla decided to continue journey - she knew, that Kashiru still got his cases unsolved, so she promised him to help with it. They continue their journey short after, flying to the horizon together.


  • Likes to play hazard games like poker; she's pretty good in it
  • Fully trained as Knight
  • Blue roses is her special sign and sometimes she leaves blue petals on battlefield
  • Not really good in cooking; her favourite meal is oatmeal; maybe because it's pretty hard to screw it up
  • Loves to flight, she's very good in it; her favourite thing to do is free fall from cliffs and open wings just right above the ground
  • Loves flowers, she makes herself flower crowns pretty often and wears them when in mood


Kashiru [ Love; Partner ]

Their relationship is very strong and specific; for most of the time they act like good friends, but in fact they're partners for-life. Ayla and Kashiru adventure a lot, they love to visit new places and fly far away - together.

Ryou [ Biological Father ]

She loves him a lot, even if he never knew how much she suffered when she lived with him and his partner, Claude, in first years of her life. Ryou was a good father, always warm for her and kind, he cared about her a lot, but in fact he was rarely at home and they didn't have very strong relationship with each other; because of that, Ryou didn't knew that Claude harassed little Ayla when he was out of home. When they reunited after many years, they renew their relationship as father and daughter.

Nivo [ Step-Father ]

Nivo was a perfect dad for Ayla; they have pretty good and close relationship, he took care of her and Ayla always knew, that she can trust him no matter what. Nivo tried his best to raise Ayla in happiness; thanks to him Ayla actually got positive memories from her childhood. Warm and friendly person. When Ayla started to travel, they still kept in touch with each other, Ayla keeps visiting him and she always calls him "dad".

Claude [ Step-mother; hate ]

Claude were probably the worst person in whole Ayla's life. Brutal and cold, Claude hide her negative statement toward Ayla for long time, but slowly in time she started to harass little Ayla and made her life a nightmare. She was also the person who took her biological dad, Ryou, away from her. Ayla never got any positive feeling to her; also Ayla was the one who catched Claude as criminal, and put her in jail.