ᴋᴜᴍᴏ's Comments

Yeah! :o

Please take good care of him. I still really like his design and may get attached again so please tell me when you’ll be giving him away again

Oki!! I'll well care of him 🥺

Would accept this oc for em?


Omg, they’re such a dreamie :0 Though, I’m mainly looking for mixed offers for him ^^

Actually!! If you’re fine with co-owning for now, I may accept. Once I completely disconnect from Kumo, I’ll give you full rights to him. My co-owning rules aren’t really strict, either, so you can do whatever you want. Just don’t make/commission NSFW art of him

I can def do co owning!! :o

Alright! I’ll accept ^^ 

Since Toyhouse doesn’t have a co-owning feature that I know of, would you mind telling me your email so I can send you the art?

All of his art has been sent!

1 Replies