Renee "Ren"



3 years, 4 months ago














"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

Though she is small in size, Renee's general precence is very intimidating. And for a reason. Her expression is most often neutral with a small frown and she doesn't talk much. She's usually just observing. That makes her come off as very judging. Which she kinda is.


Renee is much smaller than average wolf. Her features are sharp, and her body structure is quite athletic. What she lacks in strength due to her size, she makes up in speed which she has learned to use as an advantage in combat.

She has multiple scars all over her body, but only few bigger ones are clearly visible.

Renee also often wears bandages in her front legs.


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Renee was discovered by Everett, a respected commander from Valor, near Shadon's border when she was nearly just born. She was abandoned in a small box, wich did seem suspicious due to the circumstances at that time. Shadon was destroyed 5 years prior and the first signs of the sickness started to appear. Others thought it would be best to leave her, but Everett disagreed. He took Renee with him and brought her to Valor. As Everett was good friends with the leader Raymond, Renee was allowed to stay on one condition. Everett needed to be the one to take care of her and he agreed. With some help from his friend and healer Edith, he managed to nurse Renee back to health. After the unexpected death of Edith, due to being scratched by a Ghost, Everett was left alone.


Everett became Renee's father figure and mentor. While he was tough to others, he was gentle and kind towards her. He started training Renee as fast as he could, seeing only the tough could make it in this world. Renee learned quickly.

When she was little she spent almost all her time around the training area, observing Jamie when he was teaching new soldiers. Since she was from the outside other puppies her age shunned her. They saw her as weird and dangerous, spreading all kinds of rumours of her. Renee was withdarwn from the start, but this caused her to be even more so.

Little Alani was the only one who didn't believe the rumours about Renee. She approached her multiple times, only for Renee to push her away. Alani was very stubborn though and she showed up in the training area many times with different books about fighting and strategies. Over time, Renee started to warm up and eventually the two became extremely close. Renee didn't mind Alani's bubbly and outgoing personality and her overall clumsiness. She found it extremely amusing. After a while Desmond joined their little group. He was very social and eventually Renee kinda just accepted that she can't get rid of him.

Renee continued to train, often with Desmond, Everett as their teacher. She slowly gained the respect of others, and at the same time most feared her.


Renee graduated at the top of her class and got to be a soldier for a while. She was extremely dedicated to her job, though she wasn't the best at taking orders.

It wasn't long after her graduation, when Everett dissapeared. He was sent on a mission but never returned. When Renee went to look for him, she discovered him as a Ghost wondering trough the forest. At first Renee didn't believe it, but when Everett tried to attack her, she killed him. Everett managed to scratch Renee on her right front leg during the fight. Before returning to Valor she buried him near the spot he found her as a puppy. She returned to the city and went straight to Desmond and Alani who had graduated as a healer. Alani was prepared for the worst case scenario, but to their suprise the infection never spread far. It only partly numbed Renee's leg. But she never got sick. ALl three suprised, but also scared, they decided to keep it as a secret.

Renee needed to learn how to operate with her leg, since the didn't feel the same. There was some feeling left, but only partly. She tried her best to keep it a secret, and only trained with Desmond and Alani. During this training Everetts commander spot opened, and Raymond wanted Renee to have it. He knew Everett would've wanted it. And so Renee became a commander. But she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Everetts death, and her immunity to the disease kept bothering her... It couldn't all just be a coincidence. Could it?


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  • Sidebar image: Rinezie

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