


3 years, 3 months ago


welcome to my canvas darling!




Abstracto is an unpredictable fella, purposely acting in outlandish ways to cause confusion, soley because he just finds it amusing when he's not understood. They're the literal definition of a bastard, being extremely mischievous, they'll vandalize museums and other properties across the multiverse, saying it's because "The thing lacked life, it'd be a crime to leave it to die!" then dazzles the entire area with his weird magical paint....that can only be removed by him. He is diffcult to get close to, or even have conversations with, if you ask for his name, he'll say "pick a number between 1 and 1010^100, if you choose the exact one I'm thinking of, I'll give ya my name!" and constantly change subjects, spew out nonsense, or just teleport far away from you. They're known for stealing from different universes, or more specifically, different art stores, though no one can catch them, they're too fast....a nickname for him is "glovey, the gloved glovin thief" because a glimpse of his gloves is all they ever see, wanted posters hung up of him, with only pictures of his gloves, though they're just gloves, they're unique to him only, with moving scribbles being on them. He has strong empathy for inanimate objects, saying that they're beings who haven't yet unlocked their potenial, (he will not hesitate to yoink things he feel are being mistreated either.) If anything he feels more empathy for them than living beings. They aren't much of a fighter, but if necessary, he will obliterate someone using his magical cane thing, or just touching them can be enough to rid of them (they turn into abstract shapes, that dissolve after awhile.) They don't obey anyone, and will go by their own 'rules' regardless of where they are.

intro extro

logic feelin

order haste


  • Abstracto owns a cane that can turn into any art tool, they don’t work like regular ones, there’s a twist to all of them! sculptor tools can slice through walls or be used as swords. Paints/pens/pencils make whatever he draws real and usable, like doors, weapons, even food, can’t guarantee it’ll taste good though! Erasers, can undo his creations or erase someone/something outta existence, nothing can return once erased, no undo button...
  • They have access to anywhere with paintings! Though the paintings alter his appearance and abilities, (example: a painting of a flower gives him plant like abilities! also flowers bloom all over him) he can pop up from an unfinished painting too, he comes up looking half painted, half sketched, and weaker...
  • The size of the canvas are what defines his height, so a 3” x 3” would make him 3’3 ft. Oh and he has to make sure whatever painting he hops through, doesn’t get punctured, not only will it hurt like hell but a black hole may appear !
  • The way they bathe is similar to how paintbrushes are cleaned, soaking in a big ol' cup, this makes the colors wash away from his clothes so he's constantly repainting the patterns on, that's why they're never consistent.
  • All of their fingers are the same size.
  • Paintings are like places to them, he can hop into them and interact with everything in it, each painting has it's own life forms and ways of life, canvases are like some kinda planets in this universe.
  • His shoes are transparent with small scribbles (I think he just completely forgets to color them in.)
  • Their head changes into anything, sometimes symbolizing what he's feeling at the moment.
  • Abstracto, as wacky as he is, is a god of some sort, he has his own canvas where life is created, they call their creations moddles! the moddles are created by different materials like clay, paint, paper and foam (which is forbidden in his universe, he's only supposed to use tools he was given by "the artist" which is who created him) the moddles aren't perfect, infact they disobey him, doing as they please. The way the moddles communicate is by art, so paintings are found through out the universe, expressing different things.




MUD (his name must always be in caps and yelled out...) is one of the only moddles that obeys Abstracto, and the only being that he trusts with his life, though MUD doesn't agree with some of his ways, he reframes from expressing so in order to stay on their good side.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur placerat purus, nec dignissim purus ultrices ac. Pellentesque euismod pretium vulputate. Ut vel congue dolor, in volutpat dui.