Ajisai Minami




▍ NAME: ajisai minami / 南紫陽花

▍ NICKNAME / ALIAS: aji, mini, pride-chan / “madame morning glory”

▍ AGE: 14 in student verses, 26 in adult verses.

▍ DATE OF BIRTH: april 10th.

▍ SPECIES: human.

▍ ETHNICITY: japanese.

▍ GENDER: female.

▍ PRONOUNS: she / her.

▍ SEXUALITY: lesbian. out.

▍ LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: japanese, english.

▍ EDUCATION: a student in ua’s 1-c class in student verses; graduated ua and has a bachelor’s in biology in adult verses.

▍ OCCUPATION: student in student verses, pro-hero in adult verses.

▍ MENTAL CONDITIONS: autism. depression.


▍ FACE CLAIM: marie kawai for student verses, nana osaki for adult verses.

▍ HAIR COLOUR: black.

▍ EYE COLOUR: dark green.

▍ HEIGHT: 5'0" in student verses, 5'7" in adult verses.

▍ WEIGHT: 115 lbs. in student verses, 143 lbs. in adult verses.

▍ BODY TYPE: ectomorph. hints of muscle due to physical training. a small bust, narrow hips.

▍ SCARRING: often, unhealed scars from thorny plants.

▍ TATTOOS: a large hydrangea on her right shoulder.

▍ USUAL EXPRESSION: a small frown, constantly. if she’s smiling, she’s likely in a bar and drinking.

▍ DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: dark green eyes, a small frown, often has a plant or three somewhere on her body or in her clothes. tends to wear t-shirts and jeans in adult verses.


▍ MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral good.

▍ POSITIVE TRAITS: idealistic, strong, quick-witted, intelligent, adaptable, is able to plot her way out of sticky situations

▍ NEGATIVE TRAITS: blunt, cold, unable to cope with her emotions healthily, prefers being alone or with her plants over people

▍ LIKES: plants ( hydrangeas are her favorite ), chocolate, strategy games, dancing, psychological horror, writing, drawing ( little comics, but some still life ), peaches, allowing her plants to “house” on her, hard beer, aged wine, flavored cigarettes ( cherry and coffee in particular )

▍ DISLIKES: confusion, unstable plans, dead plants, being accused of vanity, being judged for her appearance, being helpless, not having the answers to a problem

quirk + stats

▍ QUIRK NAME: flora’s favor.

▍ QUIRK TYPE: emitter.


similar to animal voice, flora’s favor is a quirk that allows ajisai to speak with plants and command them to follow her will. however, a small side effect of this quirk allows her to tend to plants with wonderful results, similar to her grandmother’s green thumb quirk.


STUDENT: POWER: 2/5 ( D ) , SPEED: 1/5 ( E ) , TECHNIQUE: 5/5 ( A ) , INTELLIGENCE: 5/5 ( A ) , COOPERATIVENESS: 3/5 ( C )

ADULT: POWER: 2/5 ( D ) , SPEED: 1/5 ( E ) , TECHNIQUE: 6/5 ( S ) , INTELLIGENCE: 5/5 ( A ) , COOPERATIVENESS: 4/5 ( B )


even at her birth, ajisai was close to her grandmother.

her grandmother named her after the hydrangea, for how prideful her expression was even as a baby. however, at the age of three, her quirk manifested in the form of speaking to plants, which her mother nearly freaked out over —- but her grandmother was all too happy to embrace. taking ajisai aside, the old woman taught her everything she knew about plants, and in return, ajisai was all too glad to translate their musings for her practical godmother.

during her years in elementary school, ajisai had no desire to become a hero; she’d wanted to be a botanist, someone who was out of the way and held no risk to their own life. she was, predictably, an ace student in her science classes, but she was a rather respected student in general due to her intelligence ---- although her distance prevented her from making very many friends.

in middle school, she was saved by the turbo hero ingenium, and that turned her perception around. to be a hero, to rescue others, that would do worlds of good! and becoming a student of ua was a challenging task, one that she scored decently with both grades at mid-marks.

it was there that she began to learn to see the task of "hero" less of an obligation, and more out of a sincere longing to help others. indeed, this began to push her into asking her plants for help more often, pushing her from class 1-c to class 1-b during her second year.

in adulthood, she would become madame morning glory, the floral hero, dedicated to helping others with her plants. her suit was specially tailored to keep several plants with her at all times, and their penchant for helping her in daily routines furthered her adoration.

...that is, until time began to pass, and heroism became repetitive. villains were always appearing, escaping, being born, being made. where in the system could a person find its origin, she never would know, and thus, she began to turn to smoking and alcohol in order to cope with this odd form of helplessness.

ajisai minami is still a hero, but even she wonders what will happen when futility finally wears her thin.