Hope Pickering



3 years, 4 months ago


With long dark hair, brown eyes, and a mildly pudgy baby-face and body, Hope’s pretty normal looking. Probably the most exceptional thing about her regular appearance is how short she is. She’s not unattractive, but she certainly doesn’t reach the standards a lot of the more glamorous mages reach – she’s just down to earth, plain, and seems content with that. Most of her wardrobe consists of ill-fitting jeans, overalls, t-shirts, and hoodies, with the latter two often including puns. That said, lately more of her wardrobe has started being taken over by the color black and occasionally with more showy clothing that shows off some cleavage or some extra leg. She’s still not used to either and is generally uncomfortable in it, but she’s steadily working trough that.

Michelangelo is an odd duck. She’s starting to grock pop culture to a degree due to a lot of work from her cabalmates, but there are still vast swathes that she’s missing. In social circles, Hope tends to bumble – she sticks to the Libertines more than anyone else and clearly prefers just chatting with them. Most people would think Hope was mostly socially inept unless they saw her doing crime, whereupon she suddenly becomes socially capable. Ask her to lie or stay silent outside the crime to people she trusts, though, and she becomes incapable of hiding anything. Any action that shoves her into the limelight often has her donning a fake persona modeled on people she trusts. She tends to handle any task given to her with all the grace of a bull in a china shop, stumbling her way into the situation accidentally, and then crashing into walls and knocking over shelves until she’s out of it. She’s extremely loyal to those she likes (and seems to have a weird fascination with thinking of people she likes as various family members??) and – despite outward appearances – extremely violent when it comes to someone she really dislikes.

Most mages upon finding out where Hope grew up immediately seem to go “Oh,” and understand – in some way – her weird behavior.