Caecilia Talliet (nee Hafiz)



3 years, 4 months ago


A near picture perfect resemblance to the goddes, the Historian – if you are to believe the paintings and stained glass all over the Theocracy – Caecilia has long, wavy red hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin is pale with smatterings of freckles – primarily over the bridge of her nose and cheeks, and a few on her forearms and legs. She’s shrunk from her Serin height to a paltry 5’2" – and seems to have grown outward from that, so now she actually has curves – more cleavage, t h i c c hips, and – too – a thicker middle.

She wears gleaming silvery chainmail that flows around her like sparkling water. She’s taken to wearing a Copiu dress beneath it – flowing and silken blue. The tablet she carries is a hefty white stone rectangle, and on her right hip she carries a hammer of white-and-gold with lightning snaking up and down its edges. Lately she’s taken to moving much more slowly when she walks, to limit the number of times she trips.

Anyone knew her before her death and subsequent reincarnation would be hard-pressed to recognize her.