


3 years, 4 months ago


Known as the archangel of responsibility and merciful love, Jegudiel was an archangel who had pleaded with God to allow Raphael to visit Earth after the affair with Seere was discovered. However, God was strict, and refused to hear Jegudiel's reasoning, and eventually the angel decided to stop asking about it. If this was mercy in God's eyes, who was he to speak against it? If this would teach Raphael responsibility, then who was Jegudiel to question it?

It was many years before Joey Drew Studios even arose that God brought up the topic of Raphael again, this time speaking to Jegudiel on his thoughts of a new threat ---- a demon known only as "Miracle" to humanity, whose identity didn't seem to be confirmed. Jegudiel spoke to the angels that foresaw what would occur, before deciding to bring up his concerns to God once again.

This time, to his surprise, God was willing to listen. A threat from Hell would be difficult to contain without a warrior, but it'd be easier if some of those wounds were patched along with its defeat. And so, Michael was selected to go with Raphael, and Jegudiel was satisfied.

Jegudiel's preferred form is a human male standing at 5'1", with long and loose blond hair, blue eyes, and an often demure expression. He tends to speak very calmly, and he's also curious as to how Raphael is faring. On the reveal of Seere, he does have his eyes widen in surprise but doesn't really change his behavior otherwise.