
Name Azure
Age 300's
Gender Female
Orientation Lawful-Good
Species Griffin
Designer Amara-Star
Status ace-aro
"knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." -jimi hendrix

Azure has been the royal librarian of Tagen for centuries, and is a well-respected friend of the royal family. She absolutely adores and has read almost every book in the library, and knows every nook, cranney, and hideouts in the place. She has a great memory, though she doesn't talk about her past much. When she was young, she grew up in Eren, and always wanted to fly. But she lived in the fourth, Opal Branch and could never afford to live aboveground. Her parents tried everything they could to help her, but with no gain, and eventually she gave up and continued with normal life below ground, so that when her chance came, she didn't expect it at all. She had a merchant friend that passed by once and a while, and after a few years, he offered to take her up to the market he visited often, aboveground. Azure was ecstatic, and immediately agreed, though she was disapointed that her parents couldn't come. Once she had ventured above Eren, and had spent a few months with the merchant, when the route underground he had been using was suddenly closed, per the Council's orders. Nobody could get in, nobody could get out. Azure was devastated, but the merchant offered to take her to Tagen and raise her there.