Asher James Ledford



3 years, 4 months ago



Asher James Ledford | He/Him | 21 | 5’10 or 178cm

Asher is the eldest son from a wealthy line of bankers, and was raised  to be the perfect heir to the company. Homeschooled with exceptional  tutors and taught every potentially necessary subject, Asher didn’t have  the time or freedom to be allowed friends his age. While Asher was  close to his two younger brothers, they were slowly separated due to the  complete monopolization of his schedule. The insurmountable pressure  and loneliness of his upbringing took a constant and ever growing toll  on his mental health, until one New Years Eve where he suffered a proper  breakdown and took scissors to his hair. He was unaware that he was  being watched in that moment. Asher disappeared that night, the only  sign he had even been in his room being the clumps of brown hair in his  bathroom sink. In the investigation that followed, Asher’s parents were  charged with newly discovered tax fraud and imprisoned.

Asher’s disappearance baffled all, with no sign of the boy leaving or a  forced entry. When Asher mysteriously returned a year later to reconnect  with his brothers, he had made sure to keep the demonic circumstances of  his disappearing act a mystery. It’s for their own good.

Key Traits
- Asher is very softspoken, highlighting his polite and somewhat formal  mannerisms. He’s pleasant and good natured, but he struggles to make and  maintain relationships. This is the result of being fairly shy and  having somewhat stunted social skills.
- He has a very aloof nature and may come off as a bit cold, but this  isn’t necessarily the case. In reality he’s very tenderhearted, but he  has trouble expressing this due to being raised to keep his true  feelings on a tight leash.
- Despite his shyness he’s very strong willed, he can and will speak his  mind if he feels that he has to and isn’t easily swayed. This  translates into actions as, for better or worse, if he has his mind set  on something then he is determined to see it through.
- Asher tends to adopt a serious manner but he does on occasion take  part in teasing close friends and family. Although not usually  intentional, he seems a bit smug while poking fun.

- He’s an absolute master at crossword and wordsearch puzzles. He  considers himself less practiced with Sudoku, but he’s being modest and  is still quite good. Also puts jigsaws together faster than your average  person.
- While not a clean freak, he is very organized and will rearrange a  space if it bothers him enough. He won’t be very happy about it but he  is more than willing to dedicate an afternoon to fixing a mess.
- Gardening is something that unexpectedly relieves his stress. It feels  rewarding to plant something and watch it reach maturity.
- Has dabbled a bit in photography, not for artistic reasons but  sentimentality. He likes keeping a physical record of good times with  his friends and family.


- Asher is 5'10 or 178cm.

- Asher has a large circular back tattoo with his demonic pacts.

- His favorite flowers are white gardenias.