Tessarion Sharp



3 years, 3 months ago


Skin and bones – that’s Tess. Everything about him is long and thing – his fingers, his nose, his legs, his arms. He looks like if you punched him he’d either break in two or lean over like a sapling. He’s got a strange tendency to watch everything around him on high alert – studying anyone who’s nearby – and his face is generally kept in a quiet blank mask of politeness. He dresses in incredibly shabby armor, and his shoes look like they’ve got straps of leather as the only things stopping them from falling off and leaving him barefoot. He carries two packs with him – one a backpack that seems packed to the gills with stuff, the second a wooden case that looks to contain a viol. Those who have witnessed him on the battlefield or working can tell you that he’s got his oddly graceful moments, where he’ll twirl and dance away from an enemy’s attacks, and that if he activates his spells he tends to sing songs in a language few understand.

When Tessarion talks, he’s got a smooth, rich baritone that seems appropriate for someone who’s a regular singer – though far too low to come out of his mouth. He’s immaculately polite – almost obsessively so, as if he’s worried that someone might get irritated at him for being impolite. He tends to be very concerned for others’ feelings and emotions, though he has a harder time disagreeing directly with someone. Instead, he’ll dance lightly around the subject, gently state his opinion (if he dare) – but then withdraw and generally allow them to take the lead.