Cacophony/Xilwyn Petriss



3 years, 3 months ago


To quote our website...

Cacophony is like a million feet tall and has huge boobs. She’s basically unstoppable, though that has less to do with her rapier and musical charm magic and more with her state as a general force of nature. Cacophony changes her outfits frequently and spends a lot of time describing her clothes in intimate detail. She has adapted well to Wildspace, but then again, she’s pretty comfortable anywhere she goes (as long as she has friends, attention, and her viol). Once got eaten by a living rug. When not performing, Cacophony changes back into her mild-mannered alter-ego, the tired, sensible, and generally hoodie-bedecked Xilwyn, or “Wyn” for short. Regardless of how spectacular she appears at any given moment, one thing is constant: Cacophony is determined to search the universe for the lizard woman love of her life, even if it means leaving a string of broken hearts and mutual one-night stands in her wake. She’s willing to make that sacrifice.