


3 years, 4 months ago



Name: Zitrik Astley(Thunder)

Age: 18

Gender: Agender

Height: 6ft (not counting the spike on his head)

Origin: fantasyborn

Species: Rotom

Birthday: 31 march

Pronouns: He/They

Weight: 170lb

Archetype: Airhead

Restart everything from scratch

Zitrik  is a gentle begin that can get very easily distracted. Not what he used  to be, but now yes. He is pretty forgetful that's why he use a lot of  post-it and write a lot things on his hands. He isn't very competitive.  He just do what need to be done. He is not here to shine. He isn't a  bully hunter, but for sure he would step in if he saw someone getting  picked on. He like teaching things to other, but only if they want to.  He hate forcing others to listen and would go pretty quiet otherwise.
Don't do any joke about burying someone alive when he is around. He let you know how much he don't like this. He is pretty claustrophobic

  • cooking
  • making friends
  • pets
  • wide area
  • lie
  • thin closed space
  • sleepwalking
  • coffee taste


Sign: Aries

Alignment: Lawful good

Family Info

Has his story can tell much, his family and anyone he knew before getting cursed died a long time ago. He was from a rich noble family that was very invested into protecting their town and understand their villager's need.

Nowaway after helping Ackerley in a very bad situation, he have got adopted by Ackerley's family, the Astley, a very rich family. 6 kids: Ackerley and his quintuplet little brothers. Zitrik even thought haven't been asked anything in exchange of living with them, take care of the 3 dogs they have everyday, do a few shores, even if they have employee in the mansion for that and often cook something for them has a way show his gratitude to them.

  • Cooking.
  • Taking care of pets.
  • Learning.

Health and physical details:

  • He sleepwalk rarely nowawaday used to be very common in the past.
  • Get motion sickness easily if the transport move/shake too much.
  • Zitrik right eye is blind he can't see a thing with it and so have depth sight problem.
  • His body glow all the time even asleep.
  • Joined FH school after the school festival event.
  • He got a nickname the very first day he came at school because a power outage happened in middle of class and people joked about it until it turned into bullying for a few weeks and then got reported to the director that took mesure for it to stop.
  • He learned to be regulary sleepwalking during the reflexion of the past event.
  • He learned to have sickness motion during the frosty cruise event.
  • He managed to reach the healing lake of death and so heal most of his scars a very few days after multiverse event.
  • Some of the damage on his head got fixed by Urami during the plush event.
  • Trick, Rick, Glowstick
  • Not choosed nickname: Glow-stick-guy



He doesn't like hurting other's has much their feeling than physically. That's why he doesn't pressure other's much when he want to help them.


He doesn't see easily the mean intend into other's action. He trust other's word quite easily. It make him an easy victim to abuse and bullying.


Zitrik is the half-full glass type person. Not that he have much a choice with his sad past. He believe there's always happier days when bad happen. It make him very talented at cheering others up.


He easily get distracted by anything really, he work a lot on himself to avoid getting in trouble by it, but he often get lost in his thought in class.


Zitrik still have these old habit to have been educated has a noble. Making him sometime overly polite to other student even if they are yougner than him. It can give them the strange vibe of him acting with ancient era's manner.

Fast switch

He can rapidly recover from negative emotion. Unless it's an panic attack from claustrophobia.


Before  begin a rotom, he was a brave young growlithe from a noble family. He  was on his way to get engaged has a soldier when the thunder choose to  reach him. A fatal death. Years later he waked up has a rotom. Nobody  can really tell the reason why he was able to come back, but he did.  Then he tried again to make his dream come true still. Only to get  embushed by 3 mysterious bandits. One jumped on him and putted a strange  tag around his neck. It instantly knocked him out. He doesn't remenber  anything, but for years he have been used has a weapon. Sleeping and  obedient to any task.

Over time people forgot what he was and have been  calling him the Ztrik crossbow. Begin stuck that long using endlessly  his power wounded him permanently. And the crossbow he was posessing got  pretty wercked by time. Until one of the cursed tag got cut. Two heros  found him in some ancient ruin. One of the two was begin curious and  broke one of the two tags. Zitrik took back his original form by half of  the curse begin lifted. The hero then took off the last tag all amazed  by their discovery. That's how Zitrik waked up in a world in a worse  state than the one he knew. The instant he went outside he felt the  darkness and he though maybe all the bad things that happened to him was  just to guide him to his destiny.

Heart chart:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Name: Zitrik (ancient name forbidden to use)

Age: Over 1200 years. Plus 19years before death and curse.

Gender: Agender

Height: 6ft

Race: Anthro

Specie: Rotom

Birthday: 31 March

Pronouns: He/they

Weight: 125lb

Variant: undead, zombie.

Walking battery

He  can't see a thing from his broken eye. The scars are the result for  over-exhaustion by over using magic. Those wounds are magical so these  don't appear in the normal world. He have no control over his glowing so  he just constantly glow. In his fant form he is unable to eat much. He use a lot of magic  when he force himself to eat to look normal and to be respectful. He can  only get tired by using his magic and so there's risk of him pass out  exhausted while doing that.


FH: Sophomore

DnD: Mage


  • none.



He can extend his arms and legs to 4 feets away. He use electric magic. And he can possess a few items  only now because of his wounds and it can "bug" sometime too. Can use  his magic to float/fly too.


Can't feel pain. Can't get sick.

Half-ghost limbs

He can stretch his limb max 4feets away, but he need to see what he is doing or it wouldn't work.

Zappy flying

His wing can transport someone under 100lbs of weight, while transporting or dragging something/someone he fly maximum like a good average running speed. When he fly alone he can control the speed, maxium speed feel almost like teleportation and so, very hard to control. -*require magic power he can do that for 1 hour and an half then he pass out fly faster than average running cost more energy.*

Inanimate object possession

His ability to possess object is very instinctive, he might get threw out of the object all dizzy sometime. He call those 'bug'. The few objects Zitrik can possess: sword, axe, bow or similar item that ain't too small or too big and mostly not complexe.He can't possess a fork, a house, or a robot, for example. -*Cost magic energy too. Can't hold longer than 20minutes.*

Magic function

He only sleep to get back his magic and so never feel tired unless from using a lot of it. He doesn't need to eat and so if he still do:A normal sized meal knock him out asleep, because he spent a lot of magic if he eat/drink anything.

Electric magic

His electricity magic is pretty stronght, he can zap from far away and make a lot of damage. He can now control better the strenght and aiming. He can absorb electricity: it give him back strenght/magic energy.-*5 huge zaps equivalent to an actual thunderbolt then he pass out*