


3 years, 4 months ago



"Virginia is making a mess again and I'm not cleaning it up."


Eloise Marie Charbonneau






Chocolate and marshmallows








Amaziah Charbonneau



Well mannered, respectful, mature --- Reserved, cautious, picky

Of both girls, it's easy to see that Eloise was probably born first. She's much more mature for her age compared to her twin sister, Virginia, keeping to herself and being rather respectful to adults. Though, for whatever reason, the little girl tends to be cautious around people she doesn't know well, or even at all. She doesn't go out of her way to say hello to the kind folks in town, and those that say such a thing to her don't usually get a hello back unless she knows them well. She sticks close to her father, when her sister isn't hogging his attention. She tends to be a bit more of a loner. Sure, she'll play with children, and play with her sister, but there are more times that she'd rather just be alone and play alone. She likes drawing and coloring and petting the horses. All those things she loves doing. Otherwise, Eloise tends to be picky, especially with food and her clothing, and she also can be picky with the company she chooses to be with as well.

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  • She loves anything having to do with crafts. She also loves coloring, drawing and painting.
  • Likes to explore. Goes out with her sister and her father to just walk around the woods and see and collect things.
  • Wants to have a better relationship with her older sister, but her older sister appears to not want that.
  • Loves to give gifts of colored pictures and crafts to those she's closest to.


  • Chocolate chip cookies - Can easily be bribed with them
  • Purple - her favorite color
  • Horses - her favorite animal
  • Swimming - her favorite activity


  • Getting dirty and/or mud... especially mud.
  • Strangers and suspiciously nice people.
  • Touch - specifically too much touch and affection all at once.
  • Turtles. They just... hide in their shells and look at you. Ew.


Eloise and Virginia were born as twins. At first their parents had thought they were identical twins but they were very, very wrong. Eloise and Virginia looked nothing like each other. Each girl looked almost exactly the opposite. One had brown hair, another had blonde, one has very light colored eyes, the other has dark color eyes. But it was rather fascinating, honestly, and their parents loved them very, very much... at first. However, at one point in the young children's lives, their mother died.

The girls were only five years old when their mother had been shot and killed by a group of bandits outside of their house, ones that had come in the middle of the night. It was certainly strange, but what was even more strange was the fact that the group of bandits included their father in it... and what was worse was that the group didn't stop at the house. They kept going, riding off into the night... Leaving the girls behind. The girls managed to keep themselves alive for a week or so, but eventually Eloise suggested the girls leave the house and go out to find someone else to help them, for neither girl could wield a gun, and neither girl could hunt or cook or anything like that. They had gone to eating hay and wildberries and even that never really filled them, and the house was always so cold at night without mother to keep them warm...

So the girls left the house, and wandered the wilderness for some time until they were finally found by a lawman, Jehozadak. He brought them right back to the town of Darlington, brought them into the prison house and immediately fed both of them. They were so thin by this point, and Jeho was honestly surprised to see such young children in a condition like that.

He kept them in the jailhouse for some time with him and Asa. The children told the lawmen what had happened to their parents and had also told them they had no other family that they were ever aware of. So, the lawmen had to conduct a search for some time. Eventually they did find someone related to their mother, though he was a bit on the distant side. He wanted nothing to do with the children, and so the twins were ultimately put up for adoption.

They weren't up for adoption very long, for Amaziah eventually came to town and found the children in the jailhouse. The children were a bit skeptical of him at first, but he kept coming back and trying to win their affections. Obviously he won Virginia's affections rather quickly after she had decided he was a good man, but it took a bit longer to get Eloise to feel the same. But eventually, Eloise did realize that Amaziah's intentions were good, and he ultimately did prove himself to be trustworthy.

Since then, the two girls have been living with Amaziah as his adopted children, along with his other adopted child, Lauren, ever since. They've only been with him a little over a year, but to them it feels like he's been with them for much longer. Eloise loves Amaziah very much and isn't often too far from his sight. She just hopes someday, she can have a mama, too, along with a papa. And maybe a better relationship with their older sister as well.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.