Bean's Comments

hi!! i was one of the previous owners of him, and his profile is quite literally me + i payed for the coding, i’d really appreciate it if you could get rid of if :) 

but also! if you’d be willing to take offers, i could do anyone in coffeesales (click all) lemonss or venmo

Sorry for the late response! Before I delete anything, I did like amalee and sora!! 

i could do sora if you’d like!! also, don’t worry about the late reply /gen <3

that would be great!! Ill send them over right now! <3 :)

sent!! tysm :D

could u lmk if they ever go uft? 

sure ! you can also offer rn if you wish, i always take offers on any of my ocs

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would you accept offers on them?


aaaa okok !! ;0; well i could offer da points, 20 usd, art ( , or any oc(s) from here for em? -

How much art ? 👀👀

what were you wanting ? :00 id be pretty flexible with how much hehe cause im on break from school for a bit qwq

so really just how much you think is fair :0

Idk,Ajjsjsjs sorry im bad with that but i should acept for ur art is really pretty

1 Replies

does anyone interest you in my th? sonas offlimits

He's so cute... Take anyone from my TH just hand me this bean