
3 years, 3 months ago


- these animals are really long and flexible. they can make a c shape easily with their body. they can fold themselves.  

- face looks like a beak and is harder at the end. 

- the two 'tear drops' on his chest have a sort of 'gas' they produce and use as self defense (like squid ink). they cough the 'smoke' and the smell is sweet, strong, and causes a fog so the creecher can run away 

- the holes in his ears make whistling sounds when the wind goes through them. this is how they attract romance. musical ears.

 - he has a collar on, the green band. not part of it. 

- they like the sound of bells as a species  

- eyes change tone slightly on mood/health, but not very drastically. basically brighter - better - duller - badder (bad includes anger and sickness) 

- their tail tips glow when they are really excited 

- they ended up all over the galaxy as they're good at hunting smaller pests, similiar to cats being taken around on ships

Lore credited to Rainy-Frog