Makani Kana



3 years, 3 months ago


Introduction First Name: Makani First Name Meaning: Its Hawaiian for wind, breeze. Last Name: Kana LAst name meaning: A maui demigod who could take the form of rope and stretch from Molokai to Hawaii Nickname: Mak Gender: Male Age: twenty Species: mistwolf Sexual Orientation: Straight Birthday: April 19th Appearance Eye Color(s): He has white irises Pelt Color: Black with red Body type: Slim Height: He is five foot six Weight: He weighs about 140 About him/her Personality: Like(s): He loves flowers! His favorite ones though are Hibiscus. Dislike(s): Bullies Hobbies: He loves to read, swim and hike the Hawaiian islands where he lives. Fear(s): Heights Talents and Dreams Ambition/dream: He dreams to own his very own garden. Not a normal sized one, one with topiary's and fancy Hawaiian trees. Family and Friends Best Friend(s): (they often help Mak with his small garden he owns currently and will often bring him rare jewels and items he finds) Extra Scent: He smells like Oahu Blood type: AB Jewelry: He wishes to get a Hawaiian Hibiscus flower in his hair and a Lei of them around his neck. But at the moment feathers hang from his eye and roses grow on his neck. Favorites Favorite Food(s): He loves fresh, juicy fruit. Specifically pineapple an mango. Favorite Drink(s): He loves drinks made from the very Hibiscus he wears! Favorite Color(s): Orange, Blue and seafoam Favorite Animal(s): He loves birds! Favorite Number: five Favorite Season(s): Spring and summer Favorite Holiday(s): First day of spring Favorite Time of Day: Dawn Slight Back ground: Mak has always been a adventurer since he could walk. His parents always knew he would be a pawful. He always had a love for soft things like blankets, plushies, and really soft Hawaiian grass. Over the time, he grew to love flowers and everything about them. He loves their scent, color and loves how the edible ones taste. One of his favorite drinks is Hibiscus tea. After learning of his love for flowers, his parents took him to the ocean where he fell in love with the calming waves as they crashed against the shore. He loves the seashells he found, the little crabs skittering about, the sand between his toes and the shiny pebbles he came across. One day, he found a really shiny crystal rock, he was so excited he scooped it up and went to his parents to give it to them as a gift.