Warden Hybrid



3 years, 4 months ago


I've been having Minecraft brainrot and really wanted to make a character for myself if I ever decided to do a Minecraft rp thing, or just do have bc I love the idea of mob hybrids and designing them.

She's a Warden hybrid bc I think they're super cool and I like the idea of them! She's very very tall, probably 7-8 feet tall, and has very long clawed hands. She has eyes but is either completely blind or has eyesight so bad she can only see vague shapes, so she keeps her eyes under her bangs just bc its easy. They also have VERY sensitive hearing, and can feel vibrations in order to navigate the world around them. Because of the nature of Warden's to attack anything that is too loud near them, they can easily become overwhelmed by any noises and go feral if people near them yell and will attack them until their surroundings quiet. She has an unnatural amount of strength in her clawed hands due to her heritage, but is mostly a pacifist and tries to avoid conflict due to the loud noises. Because of her overstimulation due to loud noises, she wears large noise-canceling headphones because she finds music more bearable than people speaking, and can generally keep her cool around other people talking at normal levels if she wears her headphones. They know sign language and prefer using it, but can communicate with others verbally as long as they are quiet and she wears her headphones.

she/they nonbinary lesbian rights

ALSO!!! if anyone comes across this character and is looking to rp some minecraft characters??? like either just text or maybe if you have roleplay smp looking for people i rlly want to use this character in some rp so hit me up!!! you can message me here or comment on this character's profile and i can give you my discord if you're interested!!! i just love her a lot and rlly want to rp with someone