Prynne Hawthorne



3 years, 4 months ago


Prynne Elizabeth Hawthorne

"I will find him and I will save him. With God's help, I will bring back my brother."
Name Prynne Elizabeth Hawthorne
Aliases Rinnie, Little Lamb
Species Human
Age 18 years old
Gender female
Pronouns she/her
Orientation bisexual
Affiliation The Guild
Ability -
Family Nathaniel Hawthorne

Prynne look like an average seventeen-year-old girl. She can be considered tall, though not as much as Nathaniel. While not exactly malnourished, she is actually considered quite underweight due to her eating habits. Much like her brother, she sports blueish-silver hair and turquoise eyes. Her hair is kept long, reaching her lower back when it is let down, though it is usually kept up in a ponytail at the left side of her head. She's dressed very similar to her brother as well, wearing a knee-long black dress with a white sash tied around the waist in a bow, and a black turtleneck shirt underneath, as well as black knee-high socks, and cream-coloured shoes. She wears a silver cross, twin to the one Nathaniel also carries. She is never seen without it as it was a gift from him for her 16th birthday. The most "colourful", distinct feature about her attire is the hair ties that she chooses to wear, usually being very bright in colour (her favourite ones being teal and sky blue).


Prynne is a shy, usually quiet girl. She is not hard to get a smile out of, but due to her traumatising and secluded childhood she is scared of meeting new people and often doesn’t fare well in social situations. She stammers a lot when around strangers, or during anxiety-inducing situation, and is very fidgety and worrysome. However, as soon as she opens up to someone and befriends them, she's shown to be a kind, compassionate individual that always strives for the good of those she loves. Unfortunately for her, she is way too trusting and will always try to see the good in someone, which may often land her in trouble.

She is very attached to Nathaniel, who's essentially her only family and her best friend. She hates being away from him and will follow him anywhere when she can, also worrying about him most of the time. She always wants to be able to help and support him, even when he shuts her away for her own good. As she was brought up largely by him, Prynne shares his strong beliefs and often judgemental character, when it comes to religion; she puts great weight in her faith in God, and while she believes all must be given a second chance, she will be swift to agree in the deliverance of punishment should she judge it to be needed. Additionally, she's shown to be extremely stubborn and not give up easily at all, especially when it comes to keeping her brother safe.

Due to the (admittedly limited) memories of her childhood, Prynne suffers from severe guilt complex. She believes that the death of hers and Nathaniel’s mother to be her fault and, consequently, blames herself for every ill situation that’s befallen her brother ever since then. As such it is easy for her to be guilt-tripped and manipulated by others who may seek so, and will be swift to blame herself for whatever tragedy befalls her loved ones.

Due to the aforementioned reasons, she suffers from crippling separation anxiety, to the point where she cannot bear to be alone for prolonged periods of time, and will constantly seek company, mostly that of her brother. Her condition is serious enough to the point of her being unable to function alone, losing appetite, sleep, etc. when she’s not in the company of someone. That often makes her extremely clingy and dependent. Consequently, she gets attached way too easily to people and is a terrible judge of character. While she will settle for the company of anyone if she's desperate, most of the times she will only be fully comforted by the presence of her brother, and being kept away from him is essentially torture for her.

  • She is named after Hester Prynne, the protagonist of the Scarlet Letter, written by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne. However, her name is pronounced "Reyen".
  • Much like Naomi Tanizaki, she did not exist in real life and is merely based on a character from an author's book, thus being interpreted as being said author's sister (as Naomi is Junichirou's younger sister, in real life being a character in Junichirou Tanizaki's novel, so is Prynne to Nathaniel).
  • She loves fast food, to her brother's dismay.
  • While her vision is also impaired, it is nowhere near as bad as Nathaniel’s. She also prefers to wear contact lenses rather than glasses.
  • She believes Nathaniel to be infallible and often refers to him as her "Guardian Angel". She was the first one to believe the Scarlet Letter was a gift from God rather than a curse of the devil.
  • She's bi and polyamorous, something that she's reconciled with her faith (and has also talked about it with her brother).
  • She's bi and polyamorous, something that she's reconciled with her faith (and has also talked about it with her brother).
  • She's quite the expert at making flower crowns; funnily enough, Nathaniel was the one to teach her how to make them.
  • She owns a sheep plushie, which was a gift to her from Nathaniel when she became six. Previously it was actually his. Prynne is extremely attached to the plushie and rarely ever lets go of it.
  • When she did learn about her brother being exorcised by the priests in Salem, she sought out Fitzgerald's help in killing them. She actually went back herself, taking their lives. However this is something she has never told Nathaniel, nor does she plan on ever letting him know.
  •  During their time in the Rats, Prynne would often sit next to her brother (who was unresponsive and emotionless due to being brainwashed by Dostoyevsky) and would read to him passages of the Bible until her voice would give away. Additionally, she would often lay her head on his lap, or lie against him, hoping that he could still feel her being there, by his side, even if he could not speak to her.
  • She has self-harm scars on her arms that not even Nathaniel knows about. After the Rats, she sports even more scars (though it is unknown if they're also self-harm scars, or if they're the result of abuse by Fyodor and the rest of his team).
  • Due to shock and trauma from her childhood, she has very few memories of it. While her memories are actually there, she's repressed them subconsciously and thus only gets flashbacks from when she was a kid. She doesn't wish to remember much, anyway.
  • While she always tries to hide it she is severely traumatised for a plethora of reasons, including witnessing her father's suicide and all that Nathaniel went through trying to protect her.
  • At some point, she wants to go to college and study the arts.
  • While she doesn't look it, she can do an extremely accurate impression of Nathaniel (down to the speech patterns, gestures, verbal or facial ticks, etc.). She likes to do that to tease him, or mock him when he makes her upset. It's kind of a joke in the Guild, and everyone is a little bit terrified by how similar the two siblings actually are.
  • Due to ability biology, as well as the Scarlet Letter essentially connecting the two siblings, Prynne can feel Nathaniel's pain (it is unknown whether or not this works vice versa).
  • Prynne is an artist, mostly skilled at traditional art with pencil and charcoal. She has a lot of sketchbooks that she's filled with various sketches of the Guild members (mostly Nathaniel, Lucy,and Margaret). She likes to sit and draw everyone during rancom moments, and while she never shows her sketches off, and doesn't consider them to be all that great, the rest of the Guild agrees she's very talented.
  • Her hair is naturally wavy, shiny and very "fluffy"/soft to the touch.
  • Much like Nathaniel, she can pretty much quote the Bible by heart. Praying is a great comfort for her, and while she will not judge the religious preferences (or lack thereof) of others, she will get extremely hostile in case she or Nathaniel are attacked for their faith.
At a first glance, Prynne doesn’t seem to have an ability herself, though she does have the recessive genes of the chromosomes that are responsible for Nathaniel’s ability.

Due to those exact genetics, Prynne is shown to be an "amplification factor" to Nathaniel's Scarlet Letter. The strength and potential of his ability reaches its maximum when Prynne fights by his side. Interestingly, the "ultimate" form of Nathaniel's ability is shown to use Prynne's blood, not his, to summon a scythe crafted out of it. They both found out by accident and, since using this form of his ability will entail hurting her, Nathaniel is absolutely against it. However, Prynne always pesters him to let her help him, even if that means she has to get hurt in return. Essentially, that is her very own ability -to be able to support and amplify her brother’s.

Her true strength, however, lies in her skill with daggers. She's been well-trained with all sorts of knives and daggers by Nathaniel himself; worried for his sister being defenceless in a world that would not hesitate to harm her, Nathaniel made sure to train her in target practice and knife-wielding, in order for her to be able to defend herself should he not always be around. This led to Prynne developing borderline-disturbing skills with knives and blades, something she's actually quite proud of.


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Maecenas suscipit sollicitudin lectus sed finibus. Mauris ullamcorper gravida lectus et laoreet. Proin eu elit non ligula feugiat sodales. Sed sed massa vitae nibh auctor interdum. Ut gravida sem eu leo suscipit, non ullamcorper dui cursus. Maecenas vel lobortis massa. Fusce sagittis metus massa, et tempus orci convallis eu. Donec non tortor rhoncus, consequat mauris vitae, placerat erat. Duis semper, metus vel bibendum interdum, felis sapien placerat mi, eget fringilla lectus quam sit amet arcu. Maecenas maximus nulla non nisi rutrum, non vulputate tellus ornare. Fusce quis tincidunt ex. Sed vitae sollicitudin odio. Quisque lacinia placerat efficitur.

Pellentesque dictum, dolor nec lacinia venenatis, orci purus fermentum ante, eget semper metus nunc eu ex. Nullam non quam ullamcorper, ornare lorem ac, tincidunt urna. Quisque suscipit ornare tortor eu sagittis. Ut luctus mauris a pellentesque hendrerit. Donec tincidunt pharetra malesuada. Vivamus blandit dolor faucibus justo pretium, a elementum odio aliquam. Duis volutpat vitae purus at facilisis.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Older brother.

Lucy M. Montgomery

Love interest.