


3 years, 4 months ago


Worth 20$

Name: Jasper LaFrey

Race: Tiefling (bloodline ?)
Class: Draconic bloodline Sorcerer/Fey wanderer Ranger

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/They

Sexuality: Demisexual/Bi

Age: Late 20s/Early 30s? Who's counting?

Hair color: brown

Eye color: Ruby red

Background: Fisherman? Sailor? Pirate?


In the south west corner of A'ON, past the Silvaron Wood lies the port town Elandrial. The town every so often celebrates the return of those who come and go out to sea, and during this particular celebration a love story blossoms. A lowly pirate and the daughter of a priest. The pirate had only ever known a love of freedom and beautiful music finds himself entranced by the priestess as she dances lively. He wants to get closer, but he has little to offer, so he'll just have to make do with what he's got and "borrow" the rest. He slinks against the shadows cast by the fading sun, his dark skin making him nearly undetectable. As the band begins their next song it seems they have "misplaced" a guitar. Before they can recover the instrument a tune softly plays a little too close to the priestess. As she whips around, the attraction is almost immediate as the pirate locks eyes with her and begins to sing softly and only to her. It doesn't take long for the pair to realize they are made for each and within a season they are already expecting their first child. But alas this story is not perfect and the couple not without their trials they need to face.

Soon the mother is consumed by an unknown sickness and the pirate soon realizes he will loose all that he loves and no amount of treasure he could manage to steal can save them. He takes to the seas once again risking life and limb in search of any promise of a powerful enough magic to save his beloved and they're unborn child. It takes him awhile but he succeeds. He finds a powerful dragon and makes a pact to save his beloved, but unfortunately he was never seen or heard from again. 

"Mira if you keep telling him these false stories the child will become blasphemous- well more blasphemous than he already is..." the disgruntled old man says, obvious disgust in his tone as he eyes the thing that is supposedly his "grandchild".

Mira give her father a look that would fell most men, but unfortunately her father is too stubborn to die just yet. She scoops up her small horned child who only let's out a squeal of delight at his grandfather irritated looks. His tail swishes playfully.

"Are you certain I can't convince you to give it up for adoption?"

Mira nearly snarls at him.

"I will not disown my only son, the only part I have left of HIM for anything in this world!" The outburst causes the baby tiefling to startle and he emits a whine before a full blown wail.

The old man winces. "Fine! FINE! it was only a suggestion, please just keep that thing quiet!" He yells before stomping away and slamming the door.

Mira shhs and coos and smiles until the baby is babling and returning her smiles, his Ruby eyes aglow with the last bit of evening light.

"Don't worry my love, you're worth more than all the treasure in the world... My little Jasper.~"