Honeycomb Amitny



3 years, 4 months ago


Basic Info
Name Honeycomb Amitny
Nicknames HC, occasionally
Age 15
Sign Virgo
Height 5'8"
Ethnicity African American
Gender Demiboy
Pronouns He/They
Species Human
Orientation Pan
Theme Bees/bugs in general
  • Bugs
  • Sunflowers
  • Picnics
  • Tarot
  • Lovecore
  • PETA
  • Masculine formalwear
  • Driving
  • Capitalism
  • Plays the guitar!
  • Loves feminine/genderqueer clothes
  • Obsessed with the game Wanderhome
  • "Sorry, we'll be there 15 minutes late, Flora and I lost track of time while mushroom foraging."
He laid out the picnic blanket and sat down. "Did you all bring dice? I have some if anyone needs them! Oh, and I made scones!"

Honeycomb is energetic and friendly and loves being outside. He loves all animals, especially bugs. They're very protective and loving and confident in who they are.


Honeycomb has lived in California his entire life. They've always been fascinated by bees - his grandfather has kept bees since HC was young, sparking their interest. They started exploring their gender in middle school and now identify as genderqueer. He loves existing outside the binary - of course he named himself Honeycomb!

Honeycomb applied to volunteer at a teen volunteer program at the Academy of Sciences freshman year, the same time Mariana Challenger moved to SF and reconnected with him. They quickly bonded and he recommended that she apply. They got in, and met Everest and Flora at the museum. They quickly became a solid friend group.

After the Earth Squad meets the Space Squad, they bonded with them and were inspired to start doing local heroics fighting capitalism in their community. They occasionally team up with the Space Squad on missions, and are just friends with them in general.


Honeycomb met Mariana on a trip in middle school, and they stayed in touch. When the Challengers moved to California, Mariana and Honeycomb started hanging out every day and became best friends. They're very close and tell each other everything. They like having sleepovers where they bake while watching the Great British Bake Off. Lots of late night discord calls and visits and conversations about gender, the universe, and everything.

Den Emerson | Girlfriend

Honeycomb met Den while visiting family in Georgia. They quickly started crushing on each other. HC didn't think they'd see Den again, but was excited to reconnect - and surprised to discover that Den's magical - when they got wrapped up in a Space Squad adventure. Den may live on a spaceship, but she gets to see Honeycomb a lot. They're really cute together.

Flora Hopkins | Friend

Flora and Honeycomb met through the Academy of Sciences and quickly bonded over their love of nature and biology. They study together, and often can be found doing projects like working on the Amitnys' garden. Honeycomb does his best to take care of Flora, and find that she helps him to feel more grounded and calm.

Honeycomb met Everest through the Academy of Sciences and quickly befriended her. They like playing music together and started the Earth Squad's band. HC makes an effort to reach out to her and to make sure she knows she doesn't have to be independent. HC also loves Everest's family, even though she's easily embarrassed by them.