Yoko Rin



7 years, 1 month ago


Rin is one who takes her job seriously. Once she's not working on getting stronger and strengthening her fighting skills, once can find her hunting in the water near Mizuyama. She loves to meet new people and finds land dwellers to be very interesting. Exploring the over world gives her more insight into how different species live. She's pretty easy to get along with but her temper can get pretty vicious. She's very proud of her tribe and that fire pushes her to go beyond her normal limit.

Rin was born to the underwater tribe of ThunderFang. This tribe was a tribe filled with angler fish. The women were the ones who hunted and were the ferocious fighters. The men while still good fighters, most of them were more of the homemakers. Rin grew up with a warrior's spirit. Her mother being a well respected warrior of the tribe inspired her to become one herself. She was taught in the ways of fighting and learning how to control the elemental power on in her lure. One day as she got older, she got too cocky and ventured out from the tribe and into one of the forbidden reefs. She got into an entangle with an eel and barely made it out alive. When she awoke, she was back in her village. Her recklessness came with a cost. Her eyesight in her left eye. She's using it as a reminder that she shouldn't get ahead of herself. Once she healed, she went into a long period of training. She wanted to find herself. With her mother's guidance she was able to complete the trail of strength. This trail was a very important in her tribe as it signifies a young angler fish female's crossing into adulthood. Rin surpassed the trail even with her disability. As she got older, she decided to explore the rest of the ocean and eventually travel to the land. She noticed a small water village in Mizuyama and decided to take residence there. Hopefully she could continue to protect others with the warrior fire that flows through her heart.