

Robert Tuck, Bemol


  • Fightful one. Was born at Opliea in times of occupation; after all what he saw, he started to hate humans. Can use destructive use of music.

  • Likes: red, gold color; sweet revenge, tomato juice, keys
  • Dislikes: humans, jokes about "choosed fork?" 

  • He was born and raised during the occupation of his native planet, grew up completely fatherless (he's a half-breed), which, however, did not prevent him from becoming quite cold-blooded and decisive. At the moment, he is literally obsessed with the idea of revenge for his mother, so when she offered him to leave the planet in search of a better life, he refused.
    He also assembled a small detachment of friends who were ready to help him in any situation and agreed to follow his goals.
Age / height / weight
18 (Nov 03)/180cm/66 kg
Chaotic neutral / ENTJ
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Varrior