
3 years, 3 months ago


Aurora was Cole's childhood best friend, but at some point she had to move with one side of her family? Help out on another farm perhaps. Anyways years later she's moved back! Her father's gettin on in years and she's either the only child or the eldest, so she's come back to care for her father.
Here's where the silly love drama with Cole comes in 😏: Fox and Shortcake doing their usual fighting with each other 🙄 😒 tryin to get Cole's attention (even though at the same time Fox denies any romantic feelings) <3 <- oblivious horse. Then suddenly comes this NEW HORSE and wow Cole is being real buddy buddy with her real quick. wtf. The cats are like 🧍 oh no, is Cole into this lady, both cats are obliterated instantly. (Cole is also clueless to this, he's just happy to see his friend again <3 )