


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Apollo or Apo






(I'm gonna come up with a really cool name for them soon but for now let's call them butterfly dragons)


I’m planing on changing his back story a bit, the stuff below is old, just holding it for reference for when I go to change it 

Butterfly Dragons (that what other worlders call them) are the most colorful of any Dragon person that lives in Alfia, their diet consists of mostly nectar, honey, and fruits ( they don't eat any kind of meat like some other dragons)

It takes two to three years from birth for a butterfly dragon to grow in their  feathers (their cute little light brown/ yellow fluff balls in till that happens)

Apollo was born albino (so when he was a baby he was white/yellow color) everyone in the tribe wasn't sure what to think of him until his feathers grew in,  they took his pure white feathers as a bad omen and made his parents abandoned him in the forest while they where traveling.

Apo, wet, cold and hungry decided after awhile that staying in one spot wasn't an option so he walked around and called for his parents till he fell asleep at the trunk of a huge tree,  that's when a nice couple found him their names are Ti'ya  and Denji (at the time Ti'ya was pregnant with Fa'jin,  Tika and Nii'ko where 2 and Jamin was 6)  they called him Apollo and raised him like one of their own.

As Apo got older some other kids that lived in the area started picking and harassing him about how colorless he was, so he flew off.

That's how he met Stacy an other worlder who got lost while traveling Alfia for the first time looking for new ingredients to make dyes with, (Apo had a hard time understanding her cuz she was really bad at speaking his language) Apo helped her,  when Stacy found out how the other kids treated Apo, she made a promise to him that'll she'd come back with something that would help make his life a little better, she gave him one of her earrings as a way to tie that promise, then  came back a few days later with some of her dyes and dyed his his hair/feathers all different kind of colors

Now every month or two Stacy comes back to visit, Apollo gets really excited when she comes.