
Flippant • Easygoing • Blunt • Self-Assured • Curious • Inventive • Inconsistent

"Don't be afraid to lose yourself once in a while, it always comes back. It's the most faithful thing you own."

Senna is a friendly, outgoing person who loves to wisecrack and dissect conversation analytically with others. She places a priority on finding and having fun in life and discovering new and exciting things. Although affable, she isn’t very gentle, preferring to focus on her logical thoughts rather than her feelings, and can be occasionally offensive without being aware of it. She is not a sensitive person and will not spare others’ feelings if she needs to tell him/her the truth. Because she is not sensitive, she is incredibly hard to offend or make angry. She prefers to keep things laid-back and lighthearted as a priority.

She loves nothing more than to debate with others, and finds arguing for sport incredibly fun, especially when it comes to Science and Art. As a secondary drive, she desires comfort, pleasure and material compensation for her accomplishments. She can be a bit fleeting and scatterbrained, though, and doesn’t often finish what she starts.

height 5'6"

weight ~170 lbs

build Overweight

ethnicity Indian, Pakistani

hair, eye Black, Brown

medical (mental) Psychosis

afflictions Heavy Drinker, Cannabis, PCP & Mescaline (in college)

marital status Single

children N/A

gender id Female

s.o. Bisexual

occupation Architectural Engineer

mbti ENTP

enneagram 7w6 So/Sp

Origin Carson City, NV, USA

language(s) English, Hindi










  • Pizza & Beer (The Staple)
  • Spicy Foods
  • Mom's Cooking
  • Drrafting, Painting
  • Alt Rock
  • Tinkering with old electronics
  • Plotting grand schemes
  • Academic debates
  • Sex and experimentation
  • Geeking about architecture
  • Witty banter and shock humor
  • Friendly competition


  • Being cold (even a little bit)
  • Blood, being in pain
  • Spontaneous displays of emotion
  • Pessimism & pessimistic people
  • stagnation & routine
  • Nitpicking & Preaching
  • Political correctness
  • Silence


This section under construction


Terrance Levi Sheppard

[ Good Friend, Apart-mate ] Terrance and Matt are Senna's neighbors in their city apartment complex. Sharing a mutual affinity for the nightlife and alternative music, It didn't take Terr and Senna long to break the ice and realize they make simpatico drinking buddies. Only with their difference in consuming spicy foods apart, these two are simpatico wisecrackers and spend so much time together that they all may as well move Senna never feels lonely with this salty sailor around!


Yamato "Matt" Tetsuya

[ Good Friend, Apart-mate ] Bunking with long-time friend, Terrance, Matt is also Senna's neighbor. Though he is the vocalist behind the rock group, My Inner Confession, Matt is the more soft-spoken of the duo, and Senna is not put off by his hesitant, grouchy attitude towards her. In fact, his resistance tends to invite her to prod and include him more in her and Terrance's hijinks. Although it does not occur to her, Senna would be lost without Matt's thoughtful gestures to ensure she has her basic necessities... such as food and water.


Tom Wiltse

[ Acquaintance, Brief Hook-up ] Senna met Tom at a local bar while she was on an Architectural Design job in Seattle. While lonely, buzzed and with a whittling bank account, Senna approached Tom strictly for his looks--that is, she could not help but to learn the story of a dejected looking man with a skin problem. The two hooked up for a short while, but their connection soured within 2 months. Senna began to cite headaches and mental lethargy as the reason for her lack of interest in him, and she eventually grew so unresponsive to him that she would no longer receive his calls. Feeling completely rejected, Tom broke it off with her, though he got back in touch with her after he learned that she was telling the truth about her headaches—caused by her worsening psychotic breaks. They still maintain occasional contact with no hard feelings, but it is awkward.


  • Senna began life as a Mario fan character as early as mid 2013. At the time, she was a speculative, non-serious passing thought, a cynical and sexy version of Peach I named “Sienna” (a complement to the color Peach), who was a love interest for Bowser. But one thought led to other, and she is now her own OC rather than just a Mario FC, which is why she has two profiles on TH here. She's nothing like her original creation, and the progress she's made in those years has been the world to me!
  • I made Senna an Architect and an Engineer because Mario is a Carpenter and a Plumber. I wanted her existence to mirror and tribute his early 1980s occupations. She carries with her both an essence of Mario and Peach—one as a big city blue-collar worker and the other, of course, a Princess (Subconscious, fan fiction).

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