


9 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Saphiryst Silvian


Saph(y), Sapphire




Around 19


Father (living), Mother (deceased)


The Most Precious of the Dragon's Treasures

Saphiryst is the only child of a Silversmith; his wife and also her mother unfortunately died at birth. However, this didn't stop Saph and her father from having a wonderful relationship. As far as father-daughter goes, neither could or would ask for better. Likewise, most of the townsfolk thought Saphiryst was an adorable child, and occasionally she would model some of her father's works before the commission was sent back off.

Saphiryst's mother had neglected to mention she was a half-dragon herself, and had run away from home at a technically very young age by dragon standards after her human mother passed away of sickness. The knowledge of this hadn't really affected anyone, and the town continued their happy existence. Everything was fine, but the villagers hadn't realized this would bring the wrath of a black dragon upon their home.

He came in the middle of the night, and managed to raze most of the town to the ground before he discovered something worth adding to his hoard- a pretty girl with hair that sparkled unlike anything he'd seen before. As a compromise in his mind, the dragon stole Saphiryst and stopped the furious attack on her village.

Despite Saphiryst's continued rebellion and screaming, the dragon had his methods for keeping her in line, the main one being that should she run away, he swore he would burn every town and village to the ground until he found her again. Saphiryst, mostly with her father in mind, finally learned how to bend to his will, and has been for the past eight years. This has not endeared him to her heart at all; if she ever finds a way, Saphiryst will not hesitate to kill the beast at once.


The Dragon- Saphiryst still isn't sure what his name is, as any time he's asked the beast will just roar something incomprehensible. He's ruined a lot of things for Saphiryst, including rare metals, lamb, being called adorable, and her feisty spirit. She's got his habits down to a tee though. She's just hoping that someone will come at the right time to bring and end to him. After the first year he got rid of all the gilded weapons in his collection, after all.

Tesseract- This stranger wandered in on a winter night, while the Dragon was asleep, thankfully- and so far, he's been the only surviving repeat visitor. Usually he just swings by near Christmastime and she assissts him in stealing some stuff that will go unnoticed. Given that he's her only contact with the outside world, Saphiryst gives him more thought than she'd care to admit. She does wonder if Teseract is only a figment of her imagination.

Rowano Silvian- Saphiryst's father. She hasn't seen him since the day her home burned, but she still lives with the hope that he's alive and looking for her.