reylan astaret



3 years, 4 months ago


made for a level 20 oneshot i never played... but i think he's cool

  • Clockmaster Reylan Astaret, use his first name at your peril
  • Clockwork soul sorcerer
  • Half-Elf
  • Lawful Neutral
  • 42, but seems considerably older due to his grim disposition and the premature grey caused by Party Drama

One of a long line of Clockmasters, with a connection to the plane of Mechanus passed down through his family bloodline (on the human side).

Known for being law-abiding, logical, and a little obsessive over keeping order.

Distinctive features:

  • Clockwork prosthetic leg, walks with a cane
  • Cane is, of course, a canesword, bc cool
  • When casting a spell, large, spectral cogwheels appear hovering behind him


A tall, imposing man, usually clad in austere and dark-coloured clothes, in an old-fashioned style.


As the current Clockmaster and the only remaining member of his family line, he’s always felt the responsibility placed on his shoulders, and takes his title and powers very seriously. He holds others to the same exacting standards as he does himself, and as such is frequently critical of others’ behaviour if they don’t meet them.

During his younger years as an adventurer with the party, he wasn’t as harsh towards others, and saw adventuring more as an escape from the responsibilities he held. However, with the disaster that split the party, he completely rejected the life of adventure. Blaming himself for shirking duty and the others for enabling him, Astaret returned to his ancestral home to take on the role of Clockmaster.

In summary, what you missed on astaretivision:

  • Felt angry and guilty after the party’s defeat and the loss of the two party members, but turned this against the surviving others instead
  • After the split, his mother (the previous Clockmaster) grew ill, and he had to prepare himself to succeed the title, which didn’t exactly make him more light-hearted