


3 years, 4 months ago


♦Nine-tailed Maneki Neko spirit
♦ Unknown Age
Spirit from heavens  Hot spring worker

Wife: Horo

Once upon a time, in the celestial realm of the gods, there lived a beautiful and mischievous nine-tailed  spirit named Neeko. Neeko possessed a unique ability to transform herself into a maneki neko, a beckoning cat believed to bring good fortune. With her captivating charm and graceful movements, she was adored by the heavenly beings and humans alike.

One day, driven by her playful nature, Neeko ventured into the forbidden realms of the gods. She couldn't resist the temptation to explore beyond the boundaries set for her kind. Unbeknownst to her, a powerful deity, angered by her audacity, had been watching her every move.

Caught in the act, Neeko's mischievousness was met with severe consequences. The angered deity summoned her and swiftly severed her nine tails as punishment for her transgression. The loss of her tails caused Neeko immense pain, both physically and emotionally. She was filled with regret and sorrow, realizing the gravity of her actions.

As a further punishment, the deity cast Neeko out of the heavens, banishing her to the mortal realm. Bereft of her divine powers, she was left with only her human-like appearance. Neeko found herself wandering through the vast forests and mountains, searching for purpose and redemption.

Eventually, Neeko stumbled upon a tranquil village nestled near a beautiful hot spring. The villagers had been longing for good fortune and blessings, hoping that luck would change their lives. They were intrigued by Neeko's ethereal beauty and sensed a lingering aura of ancient power within her.

Recognizing an opportunity, Neeko approached the villagers and offered her services at the local hot springs. With her mesmerizing presence and the remnants of her divine essence, she effortlessly enchanted the visitors. People flocked to the hot springs, drawn by the promise of good fortune and healing that seemed to emanate from Neeko.

Day by day, Neeko diligently tended to the hot springs, catering to the needs of the visitors. She poured her heart and soul into her work, using her innate charm and wit to uplift the spirits of those around her. As time passed, the villagers began to perceive her as a bringer of luck and blessings, despite her past misdeeds.

Over the years, Neeko's compassion and dedication mended the hearts of those who visited the hot springs. She became an integral part of the village, loved and respected by everyone. The once-banished nine-tailed fox spirit had found solace and purpose in her humble role, using her newfound humility and wisdom to bring joy to others.

As for her lost tails, they never grew back. But the scars they left served as a constant reminder of her past and the consequences of her actions. Neeko had learned her lesson and vowed to make amends for her past mistakes.

And so, the female nine-tailed maneki neko, once an ethereal being of the heavens, found redemption in the most unexpected place—a humble hot spring village. She taught the villagers the value of forgiveness, resilience, and the transformative power of finding purpose in the face of adversity. Neeko's tale became an enduring legend, reminding all who heard it that even those who have fallen from grace can still find redemption and become agents of goodwill in the world.