
3 years, 4 months ago


Shard is one of the many terrors of the Fangs. A constant threat to the Tribes and travelers to the Citadel of Glass.Flash freezing travelers to death. Impaling others with ice spikes. Shard is highly territorial. Luckily they are also mostly nocturnal. The constant snow offering plenty of space for the moon light to reflect off of. Offering enough power to fuel Shard. Traveling his territory at night, tracking, and killing anything that crossed it he does not like. He does however not stray too far away from his territory. It’s  been deemed he is more use full alive then dead as he greatly help terminate the wild monsters of the fangs tat more often wounder down to attack Silver creak and settler encampment.  As long as people are aware of His territory and stay out of it they are mostly safe. Unless they are actively seen by Shard. Shard kills on sight driven by feral rage.

There have been many attempts to communicate with Shard by the watch, the tribes, and even the Guardian Storm yet none have been successful as Shard refuses to communicate. Yet a small “treaty” has been able to be set with them to not attack anyone visibly wearing the watch insignia. A learned Treaty by Shard after being beaten several times by people wearing such emblems. 

Cryomancy-creating ice/controlling ice and snow
telekinesis-used to throw large ice shards at attackers and stop projectiles aimed at them
Cryostasis- able to freeze people and keep them alive to torcher them more or heal themselves when critically hurt.