
3 years, 7 months ago



Pyre Comes from the same realm That Wren was raised in by griffons. Instead he grew up among Phoenixes and burning heat of the Ever Burn Sea. The vast dessert of the world. Growing up as a scholar and a fighter Prye soon grew into the flame wings of his adopted family as well as the pyromancy power to control the flames. Yet just like wren He was told to go an explore the wider world to find more of his own kind. To explore and discover and learn all he can.

Pyre did just that. Traveling and exploring. Soon coming to call the Temple of truth home. Among the Guards mages and scholars. Helping to teach and explore the arcane magics. Offering help to the watch and dealing with wren more wild antics as the two saw each other as kin.

It was one of these such interaction were Pyre reincarnation ability was discovered. Much like his adopted family Pyre can rise form the ashes if he is able to trigger the ability him self. To be consumed by flames and reborn healthy and ready to go. Though there is a clear cool down for this ability.

Pyre busy him self with perfecting fire related spell and charms as well as helping create healing positions with his tears. Another ability he shares with his kin. Though a scholar by nature. Prye is not afraid of fighting when pushed and will burn his enemy’s to ashes if threatened. 


Pyromancy Able to summon and control fires
reincarnations slight cool down but if triggered is reborn fully healed from flames
healing tears