needle anthread



3 years, 4 months ago


The Moss
Cosmo Sheldrake

01 — Profile

Name Needle Anthread
Nicknames Needle, Prickly
Age 15
Gender Unsure ( It/its )
Birthdate April 3
Species Self-proclaimed demon. Can fly!
Designer me :D!
  • Hair is like horns, and just as dense.

  • Sensitive to light.

  • Will one day become the Ferry Captain! It has a long way to go.

02 — Personality

Needle is very very rude and to the point. Often accidentally says something out of line, but is quick to make sure not to do it again. As much as it is rude and brash, it takes care not to be taken too seriously in its quips.

Within the world that Needle is in, there is a fair amount of folks who seem to know it well. Or, rather, its infamous for its reputation of troublemaking.

Lots of clashing morals on this one! Constant inner battle between caring a lot and being mean.


  • Swamps

  • Smog

  • Fog

  • Fish


  • Working

  • Expectations of any kind

  • Wax

  • Life Jackets

03 — Background

Really at this point I'm unsure if I plan on completing or sharing RCK. But just in case, slight spoilers for RCK warning!

As a child Needle was raised by Persimmon Peyes and Peepaw aboard the Inter-World Ferry. Often known to run off for days at a time, and Persimmon and Peepaw are certainly not fit for childcare, though they try. Essentially has always taken care of itself, leading to extremely stubborn independence.

Needle doesn't feel it has any specific home. At first, this causes issues for it. Lack of a place to be. By the end of the story Needle comes to accept this, and considers the world its oyster!

As Ferry Captain, Needle makes frequent visits to the human world, and the existence of the magical becomes known to the humans due to this.

04 — Trivia

  • Needle has an affinity for dandelions! It admires their flexibility in where they can grow.

  • Likes to consider itself a pirate, despite doing no pirate activities besides minor theft and boating.

  • If asked a serious question, it will simply leave the room.

  • Favorite kind of fish is the green sawfish.