Kellan's Comments

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oooh i got you bb ~~ i'm still trying to work on how it works but basically because he can recreate himself, he can live for a vvv long time, right? —— well, i mean, how does a human have powers?? he sure as hell wasn't born with them so what happened was basically he had died, gone wherever, and became an angel?? he didn't last long because they eventually realized he wasn't supposed to be up there in the first place ,,, so they ripped out his wings, and threw him back down to earth. he survived, but he had wounds from where his wings previously were ,, that's also where he got his powers from o: —— i feel like this sounds super cliché??? but i wanted him to have a backstory that was sort of interesting and the only thing i could come up with is him being a fallen angel xDD

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aaah thanks!! that does make me feel better oo: yeah, this is actually my first time trying to come up with an origin for his powers, as it would just seem weird if a human had been born with it xD hh yesss

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yeessss, i simply have to favorite him and he'll be featured, along with elthras and okairi B) mmmmhm true ooo:

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