Malakai Von Tryst



3 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)



Young Dreamweaver

17/08 ; Blue Orchid

Alaris's close companion, Innocent and oblivious, he lives unknowing to the longing by his previous family.

Aether is a small boy, unique for his drive and deep desire to make the most of every moment. He often is regarded positively for his unique perspective in his life.


Externally, Malakai is perceived as a person who mourns the absence of a childhood, fostering a sense of longing. Their relentless need for accomplishment and aversion to stagnation is tied to a complex relationship with their father. Despite this, Malakai possesses culinary talent and enjoys secretly exploring the human world; seeking joy in travel and sightseeing.


Internally, Malakai is driven by a constant urge to challenge themselves and leave a lasting impact on the world. They possess a quirk—a belief in communicating with animals—reflecting deep empathy and compassion. However, their aversion to complexity and a tendency to avoid discomfort can pose challenges in interpersonal and professional spheres. Malakai craves simplicity, easy answers, and solitude.


Culinary talents, Adventurous, Deep compassion


Procrastinator , avoidant , Tendency to isolate

Main Personal Goal

To make the most of every moment and leave their mark on the world. They mourn the lack of a childhood and feel a sense of longing to experience and accomplish as much as possible in their life.

Name Malakai Von Tryst
Age 15
Gender Male
Height small
Birthsign Leo
Place of Origin Agates Memoria
Enneatype 4W5


  • Malakai’s culinary prowess extends to creating a signature dish known as "Dreamweaver Delight," a mesmerizing blend of flavors inspired by their dream manipulation abilities.
  • Makakai has a rather large pet rabbit called stardust.
  • Aether and Alaris have a tradition of taking midnight strolls beneath the star-lit sky. Alaris points out constellations, each with a whimsical story, while Aether adds their dreamy touch to the night with illusions of dancing lights.






Aether wields the power to control dreams; everything related to myth and illusions, offering a unique perspective by manipulating dreams and memories.


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Page last modified; 05 / 12 / 2023