


3 years, 4 months ago


To call a lich charming seems a bit far fetched, but Charming definitely takes the cake. Living in a Morlynth of grand size for most of his lich-hood, Charming mastered the nature of being undead and mortosis ridden. He journeys around the massive maze exploring and looking for mortals to play with. His life as a mortal he cannot recall, leading him and others he's interacted with to believe he might be an actual Mortesanian Rai. Being an incredibly powerful lich, Charming is capable of hosting his own pocket realm in which he fills with clothes from the dead he thought looked cool, trinkets, old phones, DVDs, and anything that mortals may bring inside the Morlynth on their person, Charming dreams of chilling on a couch, eating pizza, and spending quality time with humans, and he often finds himself rather lovesick and dreams of having a mortal partner someday to cuddle with while watching TV, and to go out to fancy restaurants with. Despite his horrific appearance, Charming believes he is quite handsome and will often accidentally mortify those trapped in Morlynths with his poorly timed advances, leading him to quickly sink back into his pocket realm in embarrassment and shame.

Will Charming ever meet his mortal love, will he ever leave the Morlynth, or will he remain there, lovesick?