Angular Police



3 years, 3 months ago


Angular Police used to be a high ranking police officer in his home in NEW JERSEY until a traveler from another world disrespected his King, King Tall King's royal hat, and was sentenced to death. After a long battle, with multiple casualties, the traveler was detained and the blade was drawn up to separate him from his head. His hat crimes would be punished.

Or would they?

Angular was not only a high-ranking police officer, he also had a dark secret. He had a secret, forbidden romance with the police station's cook, Curvy Chef. It is forbidden, in NEW JERSEY for any two professional lineages to mix. It is punishable, in fact, by the very same fate that was about to befall this poor soul. Perhaps a deal could be made?

Angular came to the traveler in his cell, offering his freedom, for a price. If the traveler could take him and his love to a place where he and his love could love freely, Angular would help him escape. Was there a place, somewhere among those myriad worlds where a Police and a Chef could raise a family?

The traveler responded yes... probably every other world. 

And so Angular and his star-crossed love were conveyed to the distant land of Sacramento, California in two places where the barriers between worlds wore especially thin. Angular emerged in the abandoned kingdom of joy known as Dream Boulevard Amusement Park, and Curvy came through a Target, at 3:00 A.M.

There, in this new world, they could raise a family. They had a child, by the name of Sharp Police Chef. Angular had decided that his last name would come first, because he was more important.