


3 years, 7 months ago


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Name: Pricklycherry

Future Names: N/A

Age: 30 Moons

Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male(he/him)

Clan: Birdclan

Rank: Den Dad(queen)

Orientation: Pansexual

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Family Info

 Parents: Deeplake(dad), Lightfeather(mom)

 Siblings: N/A

 Mate: N/A

 Kits: Rootpaw(son), Yarrowpaw(daughter)

 Other: Gladesong(close friend)

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 RP Information

Pricklykit was born to two highly respected warriors, Lightfeather and Deeprain. After the recent death of his older brother, Flashtalon, the couple wanted another litter and got Pricklykit out of it. For whatever reason, however, Pricklykit was a pain as a kit. He always bothered his parents, and he was a brat as a whole. Perhaps it was because of the constant whispering of Flashtalon and the kit’s jealousy, or maybe he took inspiration from his father’s crueler side. While his mother tried to calm down her son’s troubling behavior, his father encouraged it as he saw no issue with “a little” bit of stubborness. However, his father also was battle-hungry and desired to have his family be just like himself. Early on, before he was even old enough to be an apprentice, his father would sneak him away from camp during his raging moods and trained the kit by force. Surprisingly, Pricklykit caught onto what he was being taught and was trained to be an extremely fine fighter, especially considering his age. His mother never knew of this, for his father always made excuses for the occasional new scar. However, also due to this lifestyle his father formed, he never really built relationships with the other kits and was a total stranger when it came to interactions. In secret, Deeprain asked to mentor his son and the current leader agreed, not seeing any issues with a respected warrior wanting to train his son. 

    As Pricklypaw, his forceful training continued, and he mainly perfected his fighting skills. However, this is when Pricklypaw began to see the difference with training and relationships between mentors and apprentices. Pricklypaw would still follow through with training, yet he began to try and rest down his own rage since he noticed others rarely acted like he did. Pricklypaw began to sneak out at night, just to try and relax his nerves. Eventually, he met another apprentice by the name of Gladepaw. Gladepaw was a relaxed tom, he rarely followed through with his duties and was suspected of snoozing the days away. However, during one of Pricklypaw’s adventures, Gladepaw followed from pure curiosity and the two formed a friendship that very night. Pricklypaw never had this type of relationship with any cat before, so he was very protective of Gladepaw. Now, Pricklypaw asked his father to let him train with Gladepaw more often than not, and his father could rarely decline. His father did notice something though, his grasp was slipping. Lightfeather was still oblivious to everything, which did give Deeprain a little bit of leeway to continue his schemes. As his assessment drew nearer, Pricklypaw and Gladepaw were as close as two peas in a pod, and they were rarely apart nowadays. His father despised this, and saw Gladepaw as the issue for making his son softer. One night, while there were suspicions of cougars in the territory, Deeprain and Gladepaw were assigned on a patrol together, tasked to reset borders and keep an eye out for any predators. Deeprain took this opportunity to attack Gladepaw and threaten him, saying to stay away from his son. Gladepaw refused, for he was so incredibly close to Pricklypaw, he couldn’t let their friendship just vanish. Deeprain was furious and attacked the tom, leaving Gladepaw with a blind eye. However, due to Gladepaw’s surprising speed, he rushed back to camp and yowled for help. At first, it was suspected because of cougars, however cougar-scent wasn’t on either cat. Then Gladepaw exposed Deeprain, having his eye wound as proof, which eventually led to an exile. Pricklypaw was in immense shock and deeply damaged by his father’s actions. He never doubted Gladepaw for a second, but the rage that he had been trying to keep hidden burst out. He screamed, well, a storm that night. Deeprain shouted back as well, declaring Birdclan was too soft to survive long, how they’ve started to act like playthings. In the end, Deeprain left by force and Gladepaw and Pricklypaw became warriors a moon after. Gladepaw became Gladesong, while Pricklypaw became Pricklycherry.

    As Pricklycherry, he’s still very protective and close to Gladesong, especially now that Gladesong lost sight in one of his eyes. The two haven’t become mates, and likely won’t, but the option is still there. After the first few days of Deeprain’s exile, Pricklycherry escaped camp a multitude of times just to look for his father, wanting to just ask… why. One of his voyages succeeded, slightly. He found his father’s corpse, the rumors of cougars in the area provable now. He mourned his father, yet got into another rage and didn’t bother bringing his father’s body back. Strangely enough, though, this sparked something in Pricklycherry. He thought about everything Deeprain did, all that Deeprain planned for Pricklycherry. He remembered the training, the lying to Lightfeather, and the attack on Gladesong. He knew from then on that he would never want another kit to feel like he did, and requested to be the caretaker of any future kits. He got the role, with very little judgement, and began a somewhat new life, alongside Gladesong of course. His first two kits were a pair of abandoned kittens; a tiny orange she-kit and a black tuxedo tom, named Yarrowkit and Rootkit respectively. He clicked and was very connected with both of them, yet seemed to get closer to Yarrowkit in the end. The two are apprentices currently, and Pricklycherry is waiting dutifully for a new litter so he can guarantee a great upbringing for every kit in Birdclan.

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 Appearance: A dusty reddish-grey tom with spiky and untidy fur along his neck to this tail. He has blue green heterochromia and wears a laceleaf flower on his left ear. He has a bit of his left fang poking out, and has very floppy ears.

 Personality: Pricklycherry is a reserved and secretive tom, yet has a very kind attitude. To those younger than him, he is noticeably kinder to than those who are older, but occasionally are if they’re of higher authority. Other than that, he’s not very popular within the class, other than for how caring he is to kits. He’s easy to manipulate, purely just from his optimism. He’s a massive believer in Starclan, yet it’s hard to tell just from first glance. Even with his occasionally quirky ways, and tiny spurts of rage, he is still a very kind and polite tom! After taking on the role as a den dad, he’s gotten even sweeter, just so the kits would have a good example of a good Birdclanner. He’s taken care of only a few kits so far, yet he isn’t as experienced as he’d like to be so far due to how recent he took up this role and how few kits there have been recently.

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