Matthias DeRose



3 years, 4 months ago


  • Matthias DeRose

  • age 37
  • gender He/Him
  • origin France
  • role Spy
  • theme

Dramatic • Deceptive • Cheerful


Matthias is young at heart and an overall cheerful pal. However, don’t let his lively personality and fluffy attire deceive you! Despite everything he’s quite heartless on the battlefield. He shows no mercy and strikes when enemies are most vulnerable. People underestimate him but they’ll soon learn their mistakes. He’s much more calculated than he lets on, so watch your back! Matthias does have a very soft side to him however, often helping his teammates when he can and trying to cheer them up if they’re down. He’ll treat them to a strawberry milkshake and listen to whatever’s bugging them. He’s also a hugger! Matthias is also quite protective over his possessions and doesn’t let others touch them without explicit permission. When he needs to, he can be real threatening. He’s quick to pull a knife on whoever wrongs him even if it's his own team. People just call him dramatic (which he is.) He uses his height to intimidate people and his surprising strength to pin down his foes. Aside from being a mercenary, Matthias is also a successful fashion designer and owns his own business under an alias. He’s even made a few pieces for MannCo. Most of his insults towards the enemy team will be him criticizing their attire. Some speculate his personality is crafted and deep down he’s a manipulative megalomaniac, but I’m sure that’s just rumors. All in all this happy go lucky guy is sure to be your pal, as long as you aren’t the target for his next bullet.

"Your blood is going to make a lovely dye!"

height 6'3

build Lanky, slightly muscular

pronouns He/Him

s.o. Panromantic Asexual

dob November 3rd

sign Scorpio

origin France

occupation Mercenary, Fashion Designer

mbti ISFP

demeanor Friendly

relationship Single

primary Diamondback

melee Connivers Kunai

watch/sapper Deadringer / Stock Sapper


  • Fashion
  • Snakes
  • Hugs
  • Anything pink


  • Liars
  • Messy rooms
  • Arguments
  • Being made fun of

Pre-merc Life

Matthias was a high end fashion designer with ruthless tactics, running multiple other companies out of business. Before he ever became a mercenary he'd use his sneaking skills to break into his opponents factories and meetings to steal plans. There's even been mysterious murders reported. He was a huge intimadating figure and no one else in the industry messed with him. He was kind to his workers however, giving them time off when they needed and giving raises to those who needed them.

Merc Life

Eventually, Matthias grew bored of only doing his fashion jobs and wanted to do the sneaky stuff full time. He got word of MannCo's operation and applied to join. There he was able to hone his skills as a spy and grow close to a few other people for the first time. At first Matthias was a bit of a clumsy spy, but eventually he started to get the hang of it. He ended up picking up the deadringer as part of his arsenal, making sure to keep his opponents on their toes by constantly faking his death. Matthias usually takes on people one on one, taking out the most powerful at their most vulnerable moments. He's quite agile and makes sure to get out of there if things get too heated. He made quite a name for himself out there. When interacting with his teammates Matthias is as happy as he can be. He loves sitting and talking with them and showers them with affection constantly.


  • ☆ Matthias can't take on large crowds at all.
  • ☆ He has a hard time getting along with certain teammates, often causing fights to break out.1>
  • ☆ Matthias is somewhat self conscience, he gets very upset when someone criticizes his appearance.


[ relationship ] WIP



[ relationship ] WIP



[ relationship ] WIP

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