


3 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Gleamstic (alien)






Therh'an looked up at the setting sun, with its beautiful golden rays hovering right above the horizon and the first few twinkling stars just beginning to appear... and scowled. He should still be up there, amidst those stars. He felt cheated, swindled, outright lied to. Those who had come to this pathetic planet had sent back word of a marvelous place, full of adventure and opportunity, exciting people and amazing places. Not this creampuff of a planet, with their quaint little cities and soft inhabitants. He was a warrior, for crying out loud! A master of firepower, builder of powerful weapons. His creations were famous for their ability to light up the sky and instill terror in all who had the misfortune to be in their path as fire rained from the sky above them.
   He scanned the city square where he stood. Everywhere people ran about decorating for a festival, hanging up paper lanterns with bright streamers as others walked up and down the street in colorful robes. Therh'an huffed. They had just finished taking down the decorations from the last shindig, a frivolous celebration of red and green, stringed lights and paper-covered boxes. Do they have nothing better to do here but party?
   His wandering had taken him up to an ornate building with a large stage in front of a grassy area where people were beginning to gather, selecting spots on the lawn and making themselves comfortable.
   A shrill whistle pierced the air, followed by a crack and a boom as the sky blazed with red light. Therh'an darted for the side of the building. An attack! His eyes darted to the source of the blasts, several people lighting small canons on the ground to blast their shower of fire high over the lawn. A Gleamstic lady with cat ears and twin tails commanded them as they fired in rapid succession. Therh'an looked to track their mark, to see the damage done to their enemy... but there was no damage, no carnage, no shrieks of fear or pain. Only cries of joy, as the bursts burned only in the sky before burning out and drifting harmlessly to the ground.
   One canon remained unmanned. He hastened over to inspect it. The lady looked over and motioned impatiently for him to fire, and so he did, watching one giant blast turn into a golden flower of sparkling flames light up the night sky to the utter delight of the crowd, momentarily blocking out the stars he had been gazing at not too long ago.
   Okay, maybe he could learn to like it here...

Occupation: Munitions Expert  Fireworks Technician
Residence: Delu'terra  Candoris

Therh'an is a Gleamstic, a closed species by Cylunny.
Gleamstic Group
Species Info
