Dimitri Rowenbef



3 years, 4 months ago


Name Dimitri Rowenbef

Called Tree, Asparagus, Camera Boy

Age 19

D.o.B. 10/30/XX

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Height 5’9” / 175cms

Build Willowy

Race White

Role Ultimate Photographer

Demeanor Cold

Aesthetic Dark Academia

Flower Lily Of the valley

Element Air



Angry • Bitter • Rude • Cold

Of the shots that Dimitri has published to his online blog, people have commented on the emotional reactions they’ve received from his work, some pointing out his unique styles of composition at times and the way he frames subjects. For the most part though, his work trails around the Ultimate Horror Enthusiast, and any media events or anything else she may require his skills for. She’s done much to boost his work, and he remains eternally grateful. His work has won awards in competition, and most presume his ultimate has come from hard work.








Dimitri isn't known for being in the public light much, or at all. A reclusive and quiet man, he wears a hood when out in the city to prevent any reporters or invested fans of his work from recgonizing his striking hair color. Of the little than can be extracted from public records, the most obsessed of his fans know that his father left when he was young, before his mother went missing sometime when he was in highschool.

Nowadays, he occupies his time with capturing the most breath-taking and heart-wrenching photos. His most famous being a shot of a young and lonesome puppy in a park, staring out at a blank field of snow, where children play at the very edge, titled 'Youth Hungers'. The meaning of the photo is widely disputed, but if you ask Dimitri what it means, he'd probably just shrug his shoulders and be unable to give you an answer.


Dimitri is, by all accounts, a cold and impatient man. He seemingly has no time for the nonsense and whims of others and would rather get his job done quick and simple over staying for some chats and drinks. He’s as calculating as he is cold, able to analyze shoots and events in order to get the best shots that work for his commissioners. He’s been pursued in romance a few times by several admirers of his work, but each time has turned them down bitterly. Though it seems he has some compassion, as no matter how public a proposal to him is, he’s always sure to reject and tear apart anyone who dares get too close in absolute privacy, so that they can still retain at least some of their grace.


Dimitri’s home life is not one that most people would take for themselves, but one that fits him well. In a large haunted house on a large haunted hill, a paranormal investigator’s nightmare is his real estate reality. Living by an abandoned church and graveyard, He's a routine welcomer to those who dares to spend the night in his home, where he lives with roommate Abhaya Rinnet and the titular ‘Mr.Buttons’, who she claims is a possessed doll.

  • Abhaya’s favorite color is sunset orange.
  • His favorite photos are those of happy families.
  • His symbolism is closely tied to that of a Cat.
  • Dimitri has anxiety.
  • His voice claim is currently Urushihara from the English Dub of The Devil Is A Part-Timer!, Though, he is British and does have an accent.

Abhaya RinnetSister-Figure


The possessed doll Abhaya’s kept by her side for as long as Dimitri has known her. Though she interacts with and stays with the doll the most, Dimitri has received his fair share of advice and well-meaningness from the stuffed toy.


Bryson Cooper Abhaya's Stalker
Dimitri despises Bryson, and has tried killing him numerous times.