Adopt's Comments

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Hello there, there seems to be a misunderstanding- I’m not planning to trade or sell the character. The character was given to me like this through toyhouse and I never had the chance to edit their information. I’m sorry you had to see the character like this, I could change the description to what I’d like it to be. I promise I love him as a character! His design really stood out to me and I just don’t use toyhouse that much- I usually keep my ocs in a folder in my gallery but im planning to use toyhouse more💕 sorry for the late reply

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Of course! Anytime, thank you for understanding i hope you have a nice day ☺️

May I take them?

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Oh, sorry! I'm pretty sure any characters I'm interested in are geared towards money offers and I'm kinda short on cash right now <.< Honestly I might take down my freebies post down soon just because I'm not sure how many more I can take, thank you for your time anyway though!

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