
I take great fancy meeting you here, although im fancy all occasions. 

Enoch Devitt

[ About ]


When Devitt feels comfortable in a situation he will be confident, brash, lighthearted, and witty. He occasionally likes to nip fun at others, especially those in authority. He doesn’t mind killing, stealing, or manipulating to a certain extent since he has an unwillingness to be like his father. If in a serious situation that he’s not sure of he can become deadpan, cold-hearted, and ruthless, only throwing in snide remarks when he feels comfortable again. He is very good at hiding his emotions, putting on a façade so that he can more easily manipulate whatever situation he’s in.

[ Personality ]


  • Money
  • Guns
  • Breaking the law
  • Rainy days


  • Fire
  • Not being in control
  • Brothels



A trickster and a liar Devitt always likes to take advantage and be bothersome to everyone by constantly teasing them. He's a decisive guy who loves accomplishment and achieves it using his strong charisma and confidence. He enjoys partaking in a battle of wits and always enjoys a challenge, theres nothing more that he enjoys than someone standing up to him.

[ Basics ]

 GENDER   Male 
 AGE   17(Prequel) 27(Main) 
 SPECIES  Belgian Tervuren
 ORIENTATION  Halifaxian
 RESIDENCE   Hastings 

[ Story & Trivia ]

Devitt is a kingpin for a gang he owns called the Firstblood mob. While he was born in Halifax he decided to move to Hastings for its appeal of crime and chance to get rich quick if you’re heartless enough. Starting at a young age Devitt has always been extremely skilled at the art of thievery. Despite many challenges throughout his young years he expanded his gang into the most prosperous in Hastings. He has also extended his talents into classic business, being able to buy and sell high end properties that benefit him. While Devitt is known to be violent to citizens and other gangs he prefers to show his mischievous side to the council since he knows he can badger them to their wits end and still be able to get away from punishment, the council has tried numerous times to lock him up but somehow he always manages to get free and take something with him. They also leave him alone for the most part since he had worked out a deal with the Council and provides them with certain resources and benefits. Gangs are worried or skeptical of his close ties with the council.

  • Devitt dislikes being called by his first name, he frequently makes up other names when people ask, his most recent favourites are Dominick, Bob, Thomas, Your Highness but overall very strongly prefers to be called by his surname.
  • Devitt hates fire since it can ruin valuble things with no excitement like bombs can, but he does use in in the case if he feels like something needs "cleansing" or he just has a strong hatred for it.
  • Devitt's white hair streak isn't because of age nor is it a natural canine marking, instead it's from a condition called piebaldism.
  • Devitt is extremely skilled in using firearms and pretty good at sword fighting. He got his personalised guns and has developed a strong gondness for them, he will not hesitate to hurt anyone who lays a hand on them.
  • He became masterful at shooting when he was a young kid since he'd always practice when his parents sent him to his uncle's house in the country as a punishment or they didn't want him making a fool of himself to their friends.
  • Devitt has an extra finger on each hand/paw.
  • Despite being a kingpin in Hastings, Devitt takes great enjoyment in tinkering, reconnecting with his Halifaxian roots. He also, sticking to his Halifaxian heritage, enjoys explosions and innovation alongside his fighting and stealing.
  • Do not touch his chest

[ Relationships ]



Laffyette, or, as Devitt refers to him by, Laffy, has always held strong, loathsome grudges against Devitt. The two gangs that these two belong to, the Firstbloods (Devitts gang) and Invictans (Laffyettes gang), have always been waging skirmishes against each other and the Invictans are spiteful of their bloody loss from a skirmish that grew out of control ten years ago. This bloody skirmish resulted in many fatalities on both sides and the death of the Invictan Kingpin, Laffyettes father. Laffyette didn't see much that night through the fire but he's convinced Devitt is to blame for all his misfortunes. Devitt is quite honestly unsure of the reasoning behind it but is amused at Laffyettes infatuation with fighting him.



A hidden past together these two have somehow grown close even if Devitt was supposed to be Silas's monitor, the only one who could control his...affliction. Silas tolerates Devitt and Devitt always gets a kick out of Silas's anger. They almost have a father-son relationship. Devitt and Silas frequently help each other out if the other needs it.



Withheld until the main series...



Withheld until the main series...
