


7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Zachary David Fischer






White (Human)


Cis Man



Soul Color



Zachary is entitled, egotistical, and rude, although he's not a monster- "asshole" is the more appropriate word to describe it. He has a tenancy to be stuck in the past and is deathly afraid of being hurt. He's not trusting of almost anybody, but when he does trust someone, he takes it upon himself to force them to stay, even if he doesn't trust them anymore. His fear of change manifests the most in his angry outbursts and his insistence that life should be taken slowly. He will, however, in attempt to make friends or keep relationships give gifts and spend money on the person. Though he is deeply sad and afraid deep, deep down, on the outside, he treats people like garbage, and therefore while he can change as a person (and will, later on) at the moment, he's an asshole, and his forceful actions are not appropriate or inexcusable (Note that he's an asshole, but he does respect consent.)

Zachary was an actor from ages 8-14 on a Disney channel sitcom, where he gained his inflated ego- and huge stacks of cash. He's well known in Alimoor as "The Disney Channel Boy", and he often uses this to his advantage to get more friends. Zachary was told by his parents over and over that people would try to take advantage of him for money, therefore he should be suspicious of people trying to get close to him- however, to Zach, this translated to "the only reason people want to be your friend is for your money" and to Zach, who had no clue how to make friends after ending his career at Disney, remembered his parent's warning and now shows off his exotic cat named 'Kiba', a savannah cat, as a way to get people to be his friend

Soon after he moved to Alimoor, he started to date Caitlin, and became close to Janna and Brass in extension. After Caitlin broke up with him, he panicked, he believed he'd lose a friend, and was NOT happy with the change, so in his mind he comforts himself by saying she'll fall back in love with him- though it isn't true, or a healthy way of thinking, it's the coping mechanism he unfortunately adopted. He's pretty sensitive about the two of them dating and has some sour feelings about the whole ordeal and can have any sort of emotional reaction towards the mention. His grades are okay, he loves his cat, he just wishes he were happier.